Preparation for Sul'thrapocalypse in 8.1 with a speedy ret build


So if you have been living under a rock, PTR shows that Sulthraze's proc has been nerfed to 20% of its current power. While it will still be an interesting item, it will no longer be the clear best option.

This post isn't a full overview of changes, but i will give a quick rundown of what most people will switch to:

So the first two are fine, both providing a str proc, pretty vanilla. But what if you have a need for speed? This is where Runeblade comes in.

You may have noticed that it gives a 10% speed buff, but did you know the lifegain also scales with spellpower, conveniently providing Ret pallies with >500 Hp5?

Unfortunately, if you are using Boar's speed or Tuskarr's Vitality like most of us, you aren't benefiting from that speed boost, it doesn't stack. :(

Back to the drawing board, lets check out what passive speed boosts are available easily:

Baron's Sword + Cloak enchant(3 secondary + 2% MS) = 112% MS
Baron's Sword + Cloak enchant + Tuskarr's Vitality = 112% MS
Baron's Sword + Tuskarr's vitality= 110%
Tuskarr's Vitality + Cloak = 110%

But there are lots of boot enchants available... so i tested them all (aside from Cat's swiftness which was not easily available)

Tuskarr's Vitality - Same
Boar's Speed - Same as tuskarr
Lavawalker - Same
Blurred Speed - Same
Pandaren's Step - Same
Cat's Swiftness - Untested
assassin's step - Same
Earthen Vitality - Same
Minor speed - STACKS!

That's right, the original vanilla movement speed enchant stacks with everything (funnily enough, since it explicitly states it doesn't, unlike everything else)!

So if you are looking for a fun build to try, give it a chance.

Do other health recovery items scale with SP? Like say, the darkmoon card: Heroism? full set of hp recovery might be fun

unfortunately it seems to be rather unique for baron sword from my testing, though it hasn't been exhaustive. Things like don't see any benefit

there are a number of life drain weapons that do scale with spellpower also though..i wasn't countign that in passive life gain category
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Minor speed - STACKS!

That's right, the original vanilla movement speed enchant stacks with everything (funnily enough, since it explicitly states it doesn't, unlike everything else)!

The rest of the community catches up to me.

I'll note that MMS on boots like the Arathi set and meta sockets do not stack.

If anyone knows if there are any other MS boosts lmk, atm I think I'm capped at 162%.
People were unaware of this wtf? I thought this was common knowledge for years

No this is pretty common knowledge you're right
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Yeah I've been looking at alternative weapons, these caught my eye:

Malown's Slam

Princess Theradras's Scepter

Gatorbite Axe

The Jackhammer

Obviously some are rarer than others. Some are more situational than others too.
Gatorbite Axe will be great vs rogues due to the long dot.

Unfortunately I foresee most Warriors running with 2 x princess as they're pretty easy to get and the proc chance is fairly high with a low (if any?) icd.

I don't think that any weapon compares to Runeblade for pala unless you want to just focus on damage. In that case I would go with Untamed Blade
Malown's Slam

Princess Theradras's Scepter

Gatorbite Axe

The Jackhammer

Unfortunately I foresee most Warriors running with 2 x princess as they're pretty easy to get and the proc chance is fairly high with a low (if any?) icd.


Run Uldaman, Maraudon, Sunken Temple or Blackrock Depths for your replacement sans Untamed/Destiny/Baron's

Scepter has same proc rate/ICD as Sul'thraze does currently.

I read a thread here on the forums that Malown's does proc, but does not apply the Str buff. Though I believe this test was done by an Agi user, and the buff might be class restricted.

Jackhammer drops in Uldaman, which is arguably the least ran dungeon on the planet and is reason why we don't see more of them like we see Shadowfangs/BVBs.

I haven't personally tested, but at this stage I assume the DOT component on Gatorbite cannot crit, as no other scaled item I have found with a DOT proc has crit for me. The direct damage components can, but not the dots.

In terms of direct damage output, Untamed and Destiny are probably unparalleled, but if anyone is like me and gets a kick out of doing things differently, I'll add to Homs sentiment;

Elemental Damage Procs

Surv Hunters

Offhands while you wait for a scaled destiny - Low key this is probably better than Destiny.

Due note that while these have incredible procs, you should not discount the power of secondary stats you will miss over taking an epic. Losing out on 2 or 3% damage from extra Haste/Vers should factor in your replacement.

EDIT: I should mention that once you get used to having extra runspeed, it's exceptionally painful to have to go without it. As soon as I started running with 122% MS on my Hunter I just can't go back to waddling around at 100% like a pleb.
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Run Uldaman, Maraudon, Sunken Temple or Blackrock Depths for your replacement sans Untamed/Destiny/Baron's

Scepter has same proc rate/ICD as Sul'thraze does currently.

I read a thread here on the forums that Malown's does proc, but does not apply the Str buff. Though I believe this test was done by an Agi user, and the buff might be class restricted.

Jackhammer drops in Uldaman, which is arguably the least ran dungeon on the planet and is reason why we don't see more of them like we see Shadowfangs/BVBs.

Uldaman is actually pretty commonly run. It is run by people who want to farm and get rich because it drops not one but multiple items that sell for millions, Jackhammer being just one of them. Pendulum of Doom and Papal Fez are two others. The reason they are so rare is because they are just that rare.

You can check to see exactly how rare, across all US servers there are only two currently listed.

So i would advise against anyone trying to actually farm that up for these purposes. It will be much easier to earn gold, transfer and buy it than to farm it yourself, even with the exorbitant price you will pay.
Uldaman is actually pretty commonly run. It is run by people who want to farm and get rich because it drops not one but multiple items that sell for millions, Jackhammer being just one of them. Pendulum of Doom and Papal Fez are two others. The reason they are so rare is because they are just that rare.

You can check to see exactly how rare, across all US servers there are only two currently listed.

So i would advise against anyone trying to actually farm that up for these purposes. It will be much easier to earn gold, transfer and buy it than to farm it yourself, even with the exorbitant price you will pay.

Well, I disagree, but it's a mut topic so it doesn't really matter. Best way to make gold in WoW is to put in overtime at your day job.

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