So if you have been living under a rock, PTR shows that Sulthraze's proc has been nerfed to 20% of its current power. While it will still be an interesting item, it will no longer be the clear best option.
This post isn't a full overview of changes, but i will give a quick rundown of what most people will switch to:
So the first two are fine, both providing a str proc, pretty vanilla. But what if you have a need for speed? This is where Runeblade comes in.
You may have noticed that it gives a 10% speed buff, but did you know the lifegain also scales with spellpower, conveniently providing Ret pallies with >500 Hp5?
Unfortunately, if you are using Boar's speed or Tuskarr's Vitality like most of us, you aren't benefiting from that speed boost, it doesn't stack.
Back to the drawing board, lets check out what passive speed boosts are available easily:
Baron's Sword + Cloak enchant(3 secondary + 2% MS) = 112% MS
Baron's Sword + Cloak enchant + Tuskarr's Vitality = 112% MS
Baron's Sword + Tuskarr's vitality= 110%
Tuskarr's Vitality + Cloak = 110%
But there are lots of boot enchants available... so i tested them all (aside from Cat's swiftness which was not easily available)
Tuskarr's Vitality - Same
Boar's Speed - Same as tuskarr
Lavawalker - Same
Blurred Speed - Same
Pandaren's Step - Same
Cat's Swiftness - Untested
assassin's step - Same
Earthen Vitality - Same
Minor speed - STACKS!
That's right, the original vanilla movement speed enchant stacks with everything (funnily enough, since it explicitly states it doesn't, unlike everything else)!
So if you are looking for a fun build to try, give it a chance.
This post isn't a full overview of changes, but i will give a quick rundown of what most people will switch to:
So the first two are fine, both providing a str proc, pretty vanilla. But what if you have a need for speed? This is where Runeblade comes in.
You may have noticed that it gives a 10% speed buff, but did you know the lifegain also scales with spellpower, conveniently providing Ret pallies with >500 Hp5?
Unfortunately, if you are using Boar's speed or Tuskarr's Vitality like most of us, you aren't benefiting from that speed boost, it doesn't stack.
Back to the drawing board, lets check out what passive speed boosts are available easily:
Baron's Sword + Cloak enchant(3 secondary + 2% MS) = 112% MS
Baron's Sword + Cloak enchant + Tuskarr's Vitality = 112% MS
Baron's Sword + Tuskarr's vitality= 110%
Tuskarr's Vitality + Cloak = 110%
But there are lots of boot enchants available... so i tested them all (aside from Cat's swiftness which was not easily available)
Tuskarr's Vitality - Same
Boar's Speed - Same as tuskarr
Lavawalker - Same
Blurred Speed - Same
Pandaren's Step - Same
Cat's Swiftness - Untested
assassin's step - Same
Earthen Vitality - Same
Minor speed - STACKS!
That's right, the original vanilla movement speed enchant stacks with everything (funnily enough, since it explicitly states it doesn't, unlike everything else)!
So if you are looking for a fun build to try, give it a chance.