Premade 5v5 Discussion


your dad
Thread as of 23/12/2010

Haven't seen a proper discussion about this yet. What've people found to play best?

My 5s team has been playing Super Carry + 2 Hard Tanks; Janna+Sivir+Jungle Shen+Morgana+Singed/Nasus/Galio/Cho.

That's our like, perfect Comp if we can get that. Hopefully banning Anivia, as she can really throw a Janna hugging her Ranged Carry off her game, and Warwick, for the sheer purpose of keeping Janna CC free, and able to just hug her Sivir, meaning absolutely nothing gets to her.

Janna+Sivir go bot. Max Shield on Janna, let Sivir take ALL farm. Our Sivir rushes a Madreds to help Dragon+Baron faster since we have no WW/Udyr/Kog to mega burst them down, then she goes back to a normal build of XBoots, Last Whisper and X#of Bloodthirsters.

We've destroyed decent Cleave teams, just due to the fact Sivir was allowed to ricochet and destroy their heavy melee comp all bunched together. Janna is SO frickin' good, best support in the game by SUCH A FAR DISTANCE. Sona ain't got nothin' on her, Sona trash in comparison. Tornado + Shield + Ulti letting you peel away from any threat. With Cho's CC, Shens Shield + Taunt, the comp is pretty fucking roll.

We're all almost/near 1500 5s Elo, bit low, we haven't played that many games; well I haven't. I joined late, got a RL Chum in the team. We be entering ze CEVO tourney after Xmas, hoping to get some wins, top 10, top 8 maybe. Wishful thinking ;D.

If you aren't running Janna, ban her, she is just gawd amazing. Isn't any way you can die with Merc Treads+Banshee's Veil and even on top of that build, Quicksilver Sash if they're stun heavy.

Cleave teams look pretty decent too. Can be mega strong if you counter pick, and turn it into a mega Stun vs no CC team, jus roll 'em. AP Sion solo top is strong for this comp, with Udyr jungle, mega tanky, Xin and Taric Bot OR Ashe + Sona. Pantheon works well, then could add in Jungle Rammus or w/e.

Whole thing with 5s is counterpicking I guess. Anyone with alot of experience with 5s?
i play jax twitch eve shaco teemo as my team we win every match we always put 3 people in mid that way we can destroy mid really quick early on and all three get the bonus exp from being in mid and the 2 solo lanes some times do good too but we always get inhibitor in mid 17 minutes into the game were really good
Llare said:
Jax solo baron he wary powrahful

OT: Srs discussion <3

yes yes then eve and twitch one shot everyone but then on guy reported twitch for being too good now riot made his ult uselessful and were going to replace him with ad soraka because she does really good damage while healing
McBankington said:
yes yes then eve and twitch one shot everyone but then on guy reported twitch for being too good now riot made his ult uselessful and were going to replace him with ad soraka because she does really good damage while healing

you should really stop
Don't have a fully defined team. Doesn't work that way.
Sputnick said:
Don't have a fully defined team. Doesn't work that way.

well no shit its what you shoot for ideally, not OMG DO THIS EVERY TIME
Sputnick said:
Don't have a fully defined team. Doesn't work that way.

What Orcgasm said.

I did say, the whole thing to 5s is counterpicking. Alternating between team comps and not trying to have an awkward mixture.

I simply stated the best form of Supercarry comp, and why it works. Obviously if you don't have picks to counter it, you'll lose.

As to that build Orcgasm; Janna + Melee Carry can be subject to heavy pokes, breaking Janna's shield and dealing damage. Getting Xin too low to be in melee range, then he can't farm. If you're running a hard melee carry, you need Taric/Sona. If you're running Ranged physical, Zil/Janna.

If you're playing Janna, ban Bird. If you're not playing Janna, ban Janna.

Sivir's also the best ranged carry, by far. You can't build supercarry around MF due to her Ulti taking up auto attacks, and her auto attacks not being as fast. With the change to Last Whisper, she lacks AS to be your pure damage output, and you stack AS you lose your damage. Ashe is half CC half Carry, not as much damage output as the other options. If you don't plan on playing Sivir, ban her aswell.

Twitch is trash.
Painaid said:
Eve + Pirate + Bull + Snake + Swain

Eve is FotM atm, Revive jungling - everyone copying Sorakabot, and in all honesty isn't that bad. Srs face.

Swain is decentish now he got buffed, his Crow form is actually quite redic when used properly, used him > Morg in 5s when the other team grabbed Vlad.

Seeing alot more Alistars now aswell; Alistar+Poppy/Xin isn't too bad. Such an e-z First Blood. Doesn't do THAT much, but has 2 CC, one aoe, his heal is aoe - so counter poking, lets mid push e-z, and is ungankable/near unkillable with his Ulti+Ghost.

The funny thing about Sivir is that what people claim is so good about her (Ricochet) hasn't been changed in forever. She was once tier 4 yet now suddenly she's tier 1? This sudden elevation to god tier kinda makes me lawl. Same with Anivia. I look back just a month ago or more and I used to get grief just for picking Sivir because people had it in their minds that she was bad. My how perceptions change. Good ole Elementz I guess?

Oh, and I totally forgot the troll on my 5's team. So I'll take out Eve and sub him in instead. #1 team. Don't take what I said the wrong way, I personally love playing Eve.

I personally like stacking AoE's still. Kennen + Galio/Amumu is just beast. Just ban Janna. I still think Kennen is still vastly underrated. Just waiting for him to become more popular and get nerfed.

Also found a lot of good duo combos to work since I play a lot with just one other person. Sivir + Tryndamere has worked great; both hardcore late game carries with Sivir's ultimate synchronizing well with Trynd. Hold towers, farm like a mofo, destroy late-game. In ranked though, Trynd is pretty easily countered. Best left for blind pick.

An important part when picking teams is getting a well-balanced laning phase. Need some solid babysitters. I'm a big fan of Lux. She has great babysitting capabilities and can also do great dps unlike other support/babysitters. Not a fan of Sona anymore. She was overnerfed imo. Taric is still a solid choice though.

Poking/kiting comps can work well as well. Morg, Blitz (as much as I hate to say it), AP TF, Ez, etc. Becoming more viable now that tanky-dps is finally losing steam.

Personally not a fan of stacking very many AP champs at all. I prefer AD since they scale so much better as the game progresses. Kog'maw is still a freaking awesome champ. He just needs a good babysitter and protection from his team. If I actually liked playing him I'd so buy that butterfly skin.

Not a fan of MF at all. She tapers off too much after mid-game. And I still stand by that Morde is a great champ. If you manage to ghost the AD carry of the other team, it's lights out. I also think Garen has been overnerfed. He's still decent early-game, but not nearly as much. His scaling is still extremely awkward and his farming capabilities is pathetic, so it's impossible for him to catch up if he has a poor early game. Nowadays, even if Garen is fed out of his, he still does pretty pitiful damage and usually just KS's anyway. He's too easily ignorable. Unfortunate, because I liked playing him.

But yeah, there's my list of random thoughts on 5's.
And Pirate does suck, but he's fun as hell to play so I play him anyway. Nothing more hilarious than getting farmed up with your whole set and just critting the hell out of little ashe or teemo. Possible changes would be to make Ult scale AD. And make his deny not cost mana. Right now it's not worth using because it harms your ability to farm with Parrrley due to mana issues.

That said, he's still a decent late-game character with a great escape mechanic/heal with Remove Scruvy. And with that, he could fit into some comps nicely.

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