Pre-Patch Twinking Speedrun


DISCLAIMER - While F2P can turn XP off, they are unable to turn it back on without a ticket, be warned. On my Vet, I am able to turn on and off XP freely.

After some consideration, I decided to make a new OP Legion/WoD geared Twink fresh and expand on my post in this thread. Here's my log:

Created a new 10 Mechagnome Affliction Warlock, chose Legion from Chromie Time (For F2Ps use the Heros Call Board) and started the Questline for the Dalaran Hearthstone and 5 Tome of the Tranquil Mind. Vendored the 5 Tomes for 30g and ran back to SW to cap XP at level 10. Got the Legion artifact weapon. Came back to SW Mage Tower and talked to Honor Hold Mage to skip the Wod Intro


General Route:
1. WoD Garrison (10-20 mins): Started the Garrison quests up to the point where you unlock the command table. Then went out for Legion Questing for the Pillars of Creation. Periodically I would bind the HS to my questing location and come back to finish up missions (2 30 min mission, then 1 hour mission for the Rare Ring, 1 hour for the Trinket). For the third follower for the Ring Mission, Horde can do Ashran Appearance and Alliance can do the Romuul Rare Event ; both can pick up Fen-Tao from Ashran

2. Val'Sharah (41 mins)

3. Azsuna (59 mins) -
Eye of Azshara by itself took about 15-20 mins solo

4. Lumbermill Trinket Quests/Level 2 Garrison (30 mins) - The main hang-up here is 300g for the Lumber Mill on a fresh character. After 2-3 Legion Zones, you should have enough gold for it. (Horde will take longer here due to Small Timber being in Gorgrond)

5. Stormheim (1 hr 41 mins) -
Alliance can skip Saving Dragoons, both factions can skip the Restless Ancestors quest from the Tree. Halls of Valor took about 30-40 mins solo

6. Highmountain (1 hr 28 mins) -
Neltharion's Lair took about 15 minutes

7. Hunting WoD Rares (43 mins) -
Out of the 6 rares I killed, I got 1 ring and 1 neck, no cloak.

Total Elapsed Time:
6 hours 22 minutes
(Zones are measured from the breadcrumb to the end of the dungeons. Val'sharah has no dungeon quest.)


Helpful Toys/Trinkets:
Spirit of Shinri (WoD), Skull of the Mad Chief (WoD, maybe not available to F2P), Aviana's Feather (WoD, not for F2P), Majestic Elderhorn Hoof (Legion), Young Drake's Impulse (Legion, Azsuna Quest), Precious Bloodthorn Loop (WoD, vanish).


Closing Notes: This route is much faster on a Hunter or Prot Pally. Most other classes may struggle to solo dungeons, even in 50 gear. This will likely take twice or three times as long on a 20, not only due to not being able to solo dungeons at 10, but also because of the much longer time-to-kill at 20. Obviously this will all get nerfed Soon (TM), but it's just fun to take down this specific route for pre-patch craziness for future reference.

All in all, if you wanted to setup a fresh OP level 10 twink for Pre-Patch madness, you could potentially do it in about 6-7 hours in one sitting. My guess it'll be patched by next Tuesday, but thats what I also thought about last Tuesday. But there you have it, a 10 to pwn BGs/Dungeons with until it gets nerfed, in under 7 hours. No vid, but I award myself WR just cuz
I mean its really great you took the time to do it, but now its soon going to be but cinders with the soon to be nerf that will render all Pillars gear useless. And WoD rare gear will follow
I mean its really great you took the time to do it, but now its soon going to be but cinders with the soon to be nerf that will render all Pillars gear useless. And WoD rare gear will follow

Yep I know, just wanted to do this for fun, pretty much. i've run like 7-8 characters through Legion already to dominate in 10-19 BGs, and at this point, I'm getting familiar enough with the route to somewhat optimize it. Like I said, this might go until next Tuesday, but for all we know, it could also just go until SL launch
Hey I have a quick question, how do you guys get the lumber mill trinket at level 10 bc one of the quests I have to be 15 to cut the trees down in Gorgarond?

Also, do you need to do a questline to see some of the rares in different zones in WoD?
Hey I have a quick question, how do you guys get the lumber mill trinket at level 10 bc one of the quests I have to be 15 to cut the trees down in Gorgarond?

Also, do you need to do a questline to see some of the rares in different zones in WoD?

You only have to do the first Lumber Mill quest to unlock the Fallen Tree to unlock the Baron NPC, and there's no questline for rares
Here's a better guide if you need it
You only have to do the first Lumber Mill quest to unlock the Fallen Tree to unlock the Baron NPC, and there's no questline for rares
Here's a better guide if you need it

Awesome, thanks! I went out and found the big log immediatley at the first place I searched in Gorgorond.

Regarding the Wod rares that drop 44 neck/rings, do you have to be on specific Assault dailies or something to get the drops? Been killing Mother of Goren all day but no neck :/ And after checking every few hours the last few days, can't ever find Felfire Consort in Shattrath either. No mobs anywhere around where her spawn is supposed to be which seems odd. Been doing some reading and not sure if you need to be on assault quest from the town hall level 2 or something?

Thanks for your help tho, great guide!
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Awesome, thanks! I went out and found the big log immediatley at the first place I searched in Gorgorond.

Regarding the Wod rares that drop 44 neck/rings, do you have to be on specific Assault dailies or something to get the drops? Been killing Mother of Goren all day but no neck :/ And after checking every few hours the last few days, can't ever find Felfire Consort in Shattrath either. No mobs anywhere around where her spawn is supposed to be which seems odd. Been doing some reading and not sure if you need to be on assault quest from the town hall level 2 or something?

Thanks for your help tho, great guide!

Np, rares are daily, and will only drop loot once per day. if they do not show a star on the minimap, they will not drop loot. Talrador rares are phased and will need a level 50 to pull. Town hall level 2 needs the Bigger Is Better questline

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