<Post Your Monk Progress Here>


Been working on this monk for a little over a week I think. Got him geared pre boa in 1 day, now I'm working towards AGM. Need two more arena masters.

Metalmonk @ Lothar - Community - World of Warcraft

Thoughts on monks:

Windwalker is op (fists of fury specifically) It's pretty much 90% of your hp gone in one fists, 1-2 blackouts for death after that. But really hard to land a fists if they're moving around, you have to roll behind them and get it off.

Brewmaster has more sustained burst than windwalker, and ofc way more tankier but less mobile. Both can be really OP, just pick whichever fits your play style. Keg smash is doing 900 non crit in bgs, 1400-1600 crit.

Mistweaver is pretty decent, I haven't tried it out yet but i've seen f2p mistweaver's that do really good. Somebody in another thread mentioned he saw 3 mistweavers circle healing each other vsing 6 people and they held them off for pretty long, so try it out and see for yourselves.
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