possibly xfering to reckoning.

I am considering transfering to reckoning due to the terrible queue times in rampage, but I would like to go to a pvp server rather windrunner which is a pve server. So I am wondering if I will have a problem solo queueing in reckoning or not.
You probably won't. There are tons of partial alliance and horde groups running around and atm there is a horde reroll guild of 29 twinks from rampage called We are Rampage. Queues are good over at reckoning and once those guys get 29 and premade ready it will get even easier.
As of lately we could use more alliance. Now we have 3 fully active horde guilds compared to the 2 active ally guilds. Gogo transfer alliance.
Cptheal said:
id say we're about even now...those 2 alliance guilds are bigger so its about equal

Idk about that, I'd say glass shooter is still the biggest/most active guild, but sesame is a pretty big powerhouse as well.

Regardless, I'll agree with you that we're about even atm, so really either horde or alliance xfers would be fine.
Rottentomato said:
As of lately we could use more alliance. Now we have 3 fully active horde guilds compared to the 2 active ally guilds. Gogo transfer alliance.

It seems like every WSG im in has 7-8 horde and 10 ally.

And Hook is always there. Raping me :(
Sup Kat =] go and reroll horde and join WaR or try to get into detox thats were arsna is

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