Possibly the most OP twink healing item!

Hmm, so basically whenever I hear the whip, I run around those 3 spawn locations from the intersection and pray it spawns on one of them? And then if it does, pray people help out?

Also, how far can I be from the pack kodo and still get stacks? I remember my first time trying I ran real close and got insta-gibbed. Was wondering how much 'safety' distance I can get without losing stacks.

You cant see the Vendor that sells the item (Cuz u need prequest req lvl 90). Waste of time. Also I think only lvl 90s see the "A caravan needs escort from blabla to blabla"
To clarify a level 90 cannot see caravans on the map until nearby. However 90s do see a zone-wide announcement when a caravan spawns that includes the location. By watching out for announcements and then moving towards the spot it will then appear on the map when you get closer. Typically the 90 will also need to actively help with escort or else the escort fails and nobody gets any resources. Simply flying above and not helping is a bad strategy. If you guys were smart you would organize an event as just a single 90 could start a raid and everyone could get resources. Attempting this solo at level 20 is a total waste of time.
Hmm, so basically whenever I hear the whip, I run around those 3 spawn locations from the intersection and pray it spawns on one of them? And then if it does, pray people help out?

Also, how far can I be from the pack kodo and still get stacks? I remember my first time trying I ran real close and got insta-gibbed. Was wondering how much 'safety' distance I can get without losing stacks.

You can follow them in ghost-form and still get the buff, so I suggest you do that instead. Also, do it in a busy time so the caravan doesn't die.
To clarify a level 90 cannot see caravans on the map until nearby. However 90s do see a zone-wide announcement when a caravan spawns that includes the location. By watching out for announcements and then moving towards the spot it will then appear on the map when you get closer. Typically the 90 will also need to actively help with escort or else the escort fails and nobody gets any resources. Simply flying above and not helping is a bad strategy. If you guys were smart you would organize an event as just a single 90 could start a raid and everyone could get resources. Attempting this solo at level 20 is a total waste of time.

What he is saying is correct, although I would still suggest not assisting with the 90 and just flying above the caravans during busy times as there is a high chance of dying on the F2P. Organizing an event won't work as most of the paths, barring the three at the north take too long to get to, especially if corpse running in ghost form. You will also be hard-pressed to find a 90 willing to stay that long considering how long it actually takes to farm the stones.
What I did was run mounted to the caravan, die, run back as ghost and /follow my 90 while I escorted the caravan. Typically when you die you have enough time to get back and keep getting stacks without losing your buff, however I was playing a Nelf so that helped in ghost running. Except during prime time there was rarely anyone who showed up to help the escort. I agree its be difficult to get a 90 to help, but its about the only feasible way, and still you're looking at about 16 hour grind.

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