Possible? Twinks may be in for a treat here

Too many unknowns, but in general it all sounds bad.

It could lead to a whole new breed of twink though.
you guys do realize that this change will most likely only be applied to non-turned off XP BGs if they even end up doing it - right ?

so much fuss for no reason
if they normalize, why would they continue to segregate the two. The whole point is to free up server space.
@shanker, they couldn't do that without refactoring some of the skill learning curves. Having equally scaled gear but only half of the available abilities would still lead to big gaps in play.

as far as scaling goes, depending on the slot, etc. there might be new breakpoints for the twink...i.e. lvl16 or something where you get access to gear from WC and SFK that is pretty good and it scales well for you at 16 to become better than what that gear would be if you had it on at 19 and better than what a 19 can get with scaling.

all TBD of course.
I, for one, would be a little put out if it totally shakes up the lower brackets where i have characters that are over 5 years old, but would like to get pops on my lvl10 again...so will just wait and see.
Taken from mmochamp:

Smoother Battleground Brackets – We have technology now to scale down player items for Challenge Modes, and you might be aware that we scaled up player items during our beta raid testing. We’d like to use the same mechanic to scale up players within the lower level PvP brackets. For example, in the level 15 to 19 bracket, we could make all characters behave as if they were level 19 for purposes of the Battleground. If this idea works well, we could potentially condense lower level brackets and maybe reduce queue times.

I mean who queues other then the 19s? I've never seen a lvl 18 or below before, WHY DON'T THEY JUST MAKE IT AN ACHIEVEMENT GAWD
I mean who queues other then the 19s? I've never seen a lvl 18 or below before, WHY DON'T THEY JUST MAKE IT AN ACHIEVEMENT GAWD
Well, there are level 16 twinks.

But more importantly, how does this "do not write in caps" thing work, can we only write a certain percentage of our post in caps?
@shanker, they couldn't do that without refactoring some of the skill learning curves. Having equally scaled gear but only half of the available abilities would still lead to big gaps in play.

as far as scaling goes, depending on the slot, etc. there might be new breakpoints for the twink...i.e. lvl16 or something where you get access to gear from WC and SFK that is pretty good and it scales well for you at 16 to become better than what that gear would be if you had it on at 19 and better than what a 19 can get with scaling.

all TBD of course.
I, for one, would be a little put out if it totally shakes up the lower brackets where i have characters that are over 5 years old, but would like to get pops on my lvl10 again...so will just wait and see.

This is more down my line of thought, but as always only time will tell
honestly i dont think its makes sense for them to NORMALIZE but rather, say you have x gear. well that gear stats wont change just your personal stats. so hopefully the gear and spells (not sure if there will be a difference) wont change, but rather just the players stats equal to a 19. no point in having people work hard for gear if everyone is the same no matter what.

forum debut*
taken from mmochamp:

Smoother battleground brackets – we have technology now to scale down player items for challenge modes, and you might be aware that we scaled up player items during our beta raid testing. We’d like to use the same mechanic to scale up players within the lower level pvp brackets. For example, in the level 15 to 19 bracket, we could make all characters behave as if they were level 19 for purposes of the battleground. If this idea works well, we could potentially condense lower level brackets and maybe reduce queue times.

shink of ze powa!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!!
Taken from mmochamp:

Smoother Battleground Brackets – We’d like to use the same mechanic to scale up players within the lower level PvP brackets. For example, in the level 15 to 19 bracket, we could make all characters behave as if they were level 19 for purposes of the Battleground. If this idea works well, we could potentially condense lower level brackets and maybe reduce queue times.

I think they are meaning they will boost a level 15, 16, 17 or 18, character to level 19 and pass them the abilities they would have if they were that level. However, I'm not sure how they will go about scaling player items to player levels. This MAY work in our favour, through providing more diversity of items we can use. For example, you may decide to twink at a different level than 19 in this bracket because you may end up with better stats than if you twinked at 19. Say a level 15 rogue may have access to a wrist item with agility, stamina and crit rating (3 great stats for a rogue), and this COULD be better than a level 19 rogue's wrist item with the scaling they are suggesting.
Although, saying that. I'm not entirely sure how this will free up server space if they are going to scale ALL items so they provide adequate stats when you are increased in levels in BGs. And it may also not work in our favour, of course.

I also see a massive IF in my quote. This may not be as great as Blizzard is imagining it, just like Cataclysm was not as amazing as Blizzard thought it will be, and they may not even use it. Time will tell, I suppose. Don't give up hope though, I'm sure Blizzard wants nothing less than people ENJOYING the new BG system and they will implement a strategy to make this system work properly.

That's how I interpret their idea of a new system anyway.
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Hypothetically speaking, I am wondering if it might scale up a lower level item to being "level 19", or if it affects player base stats only.
Anyways sounds like they ripped this off of another game... Except they keep brackets.. And that it is rather pointless given the 5 level difference.

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