Popular keybinding patterns

I use the numpad for most of my core abilities including movement. num8 is forward, num4 l-strafe, num 5 back, num 6 r-strafe, num 9 for jump, num 0 . 1-3 / * - + for spells etc. And I also use del, home, end, page up, page down for more abilities. Some stuff I use less often in on the extreme right of the keyboard. I don't use the numbers or any f keys at all.

Basically I don't use anything on the keyboard left of k. Does anyone else use the numpad like this? It sounds kinda weird but it works for me. I started doing this years ago in fps games and carried it over to mmos. The only annoying thing is the occasional accidental hit on numlock, but that is easily fixed when it happens.

Just pull the numlock key from the board if it's a conventional keyboard. I do that to save me the same issue with my setup.

git ready for this shit .

as my hunter is the class that i have the most fun keybinds for thats the one i will use

i move with esdf .

for keybinds i have mousewheel up as interact with mouse over and mouse wheel down as pet attack .

i use a q w r t y g h z x c v b n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 to do various macros and moves . (7 and 6 are emote macros :p)

i have shift set as my focus attack key so i can focus cast any move on my target
movement a left strafe s forward d right strafe
cooldowns 1-5
instant/often used ablities qwerfzxc
main ablites F1-F9
cc binds-mouse wheel up and down
focus binds are on shift mods
Movement: W A D on casters, and just A D and mouse movement on melee.
Keybinds: 1-6 for spammable abilites
E R T F G for key abilites such as Cs, Disarm, Scatter, etc.
Z X C V for more abilities
Caps lock Q W E/ A S D For arena 1 2 3 macros
Shift Z X C/ A S D For arena 1 2 3 macros
This is for both 20 and 90's, less buttons on 20's of course.
Why would you unbind your S key? Cant do super backpedaling flag capture races anymore

Edit: Unless you did like me and bound it to space so its easier to hit.

half of the fun in this game is S key

i like to s key before a duel away from the person i'm dueling to look intimidated and nooby

if im in the mood i s key as much as possible during random duels/ arenas/ bgs to make people feel like an idiot for losing to a back peddler

or if they win they don't feel as cool because they beat a back peddler, big deal lol
On my mage I use ` for arcane explosion spamming, 1 2 3 4 5 r f g v z for my main spells
shift+z,x,c,v,g,f,d are all cooldowns or consumables, shift+a,s are instant polymorph or frostfire bolt macros (PoM+spell)
alt+d,f,g are focus macros; focus target, clear focus, and target focus, alt+a,s are focus polymorph or frostfire bolt macros
I have 2 mouse buttons on the side of my mouse, one is used for counterspell and other is for auto run, and I have scroll clicking bound to scroll wheel
alt+side mouse button is focus counterspell

I play with my pinky on 1 then go 2 3 4 with the rest of my left hand fingers, and when i spam arcane explosion i extend my pinky to `. I rest my thumb on alt.
I kept the qweasd binds as default but I really only use the q and e for strafe

/afk macro is bound to alt+scrollwheel

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