Popular keybinding patterns


While evolving from the keyboard turning clicking noob to the mouse turning non clicking noob I am today I've ended up with WAD movement, 'generally' using a shift modifier macro "/cleartarget [mod:shift] /targetenemyplayer [mod:shift]" built into all core abilities to re-target, and using the VBNGH cluster (my thumb always rests in the middle on B and I space jump with the knuckle of my thumb) for my main spammable abilities (Keep in mind this is on my 90, I played my trials with everything more condensed resting my thumb on V generally and using XCVB for my main spammables). I know most top 90 players use AD strafing, 1234 as their spammable abilities, and a mixture of W and click to move forward~ which doesn't make that much since to me but its probably because my hands aren't exactly 'normal' and are small *Don't worry I compensate*

Keeping in mind that keybindings are highly personal and often depend on hand size and shape tell me how YOU 1) move 2) retarget 3) place and press your main spammable abilities 4) and if its for a level 20 or 90 account.
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1.) QWE and a lot of S
2.) Tab or click depending if things are clustered
3.) My most frequently pressed buttons are always bound to scroll up and down, less frequent are ` 1 2 3 4 5 R F Z X Shift+S/ W/ E/ D/ Space/ MWup/ MWdown, longer cool-downs F1 F2 F3 F4 T G
4.) All levels
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w,e,r,d for movement
1,2,3,4,5,q,a,s,f,g,y, mouse wheel forward, backward, and middle mouse for character abilities
h,j for trinket and agm
6,7 for pet abilities
t for target players
tab for target mobs/pets
and mouse for turning
click my mount only
works very well for f2p usually more than enough binds
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Hey there,

i play with a steel series merc keyboard (Fits better with big fingers) and a G5 Mouse.

I tried to put most abilities on the mouse.

w,a,s,d + right mouse movment
most abilities are bound on atl, ctrl, shift => left mousekey, right mousekey, mousewheel left, mousewheel right, etc.
Targetchange with tab


rfcxzvgt`12345 shift all those and ctrl all those for abilities

for targeting its either tab for target nearest enemy player, shift tab for target nearest enemy (including pets / totems), click on my target, or use macros for targeting with certain abilities

for movement i use qe strafe still with all the default movement keys like a noob lol (i do turn with my mouse though) and middle mouse for auto run

Edit: i also use shift / ctrl mouse wheel up / down for abilities and alt mouse wheel up / down for interact with mouseover
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WAD and use 1-5 on my pally as main attacks/interrupts. Click others.

On Shaman, I use Q for Purge, F for Wind shear and R for lightning bolt. I use numbers for healing.
I move with arrow keys

I actually think it would be worth a try moving with arrow keys while being able to use the whole rest of your keyboard to bind for abilites/lulz. It may be slower than mouse turning but more comfortable for some ppl
mousehweel and middle mouse <3
Why would you unbind your S key? Cant do super backpedaling flag capture races anymore

Edit: Unless you did like me and bound it to space so its easier to hit.
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I know for sure that I have some of the weirdest keybinds...yet I still do very well and my movement is pretty good. I use W, A, D for movement, where the A and D are bound to left and right strafing. The weird part comes in when I tell you I don't use 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for my spam abilities...I find them very difficult to hit/spam except for 2, which is the only one I use. Instead my 4 main spam keybinds are E, F, R, C followed by those same keybinds with Shift modifier, then T, G, V, X, Z. When I play 90's my S is bound as well, but in 19's I keep it as backpedal for the RARE occasions when I need to backpedal (which, believe me, is like once every two weeks).

This is what my main action bar (main 12 keybinds) looks like:

E F R C sE sF G sR V sC 2 WU

WU = Mousewheel Up; s = Shift

I use Mouse buttons 4/5 and scroll wheel as well.
I use the top row. "1" through to "="


In all seriousness I use A/D for strafing. Sometimes W/S for speshul steering. I drive with the mouse.

My main binds are 1-4, Q/E/R, F, Z/X/C. With shift modifiers. I scroll wheel some abilities.

I like to bind a major cooldown to `

I'll put my mounts, pets, professions and anything else that is not important to combat on the number pad.

I don't click anything, I find it incredibly difficult to do so (clunky to boot!). And the alfabet is far too complex for me to peruse the spellbook adequately.
all of you just be honest, you use.... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = and q e a d s, like the pros
I started with ESDF (S and F strafe) to get access to more keys, but I found when I tried to add Ctrl or Alt as modifiers, that I couldn't hit them. So I switched back to WASD. I was in the process of switching to WASD with pinky on A, but I never got the hang of it before I got tired of dailies on my 90s. As a f2p I don't need nearly as many binds, so modifiers aren't such a big deal.

Currently, I'm researching how to control
with the power of my mind.
I started with ESDF (S and F strafe) to get access to more keys, but I found when I tried to add Ctrl or Alt as modifiers, that I couldn't hit them. So I switched back to WASD. I was in the process of switching to WASD with pinky on A, but I never got the hang of it before I got tired of dailies on my 90s. As a f2p I don't need nearly as many binds, so modifiers aren't such a big deal.

Currently I'm researching how to control
with the power of my mind.

More info on ESDF, and roaming index finger keybindings: Blood Sport: PvP keybindings -- ESDF and roaming index finger variants. It has nice charts.
Playing on my laptop, my right hand is on the touchpad/spacebar and occasional 7 to +. Left hand is for 1-5, alt/ctrl and qewsad (my movement patterns are rather weird, I use strafe more than actual forward movement).

Most of my characters have the abilities set up in a similar way: 1-4 basic damage, 4-5 cc, 7-8 heals (if applicable) -+ oh shit abilities. Extensive use of alt modifier to fit more spells in fewer keybinds. This works quit well except for a hunter, where I don't have enough buttons, and the priest where I had to move shield/heals to 1-2 to help with using them on the move.

I considered use of esdf but it's too far away from alt/ctrl. I would probably benefit from binding more abilities to alphabetic keys but it feels too unnatural.
I use the number row (1-5) only because I move with QWE. If I moved with WAD, I would use maybe 2 and 3 because the others are really hard to hit with my index and ring fingers that low on the keyboard. My spammable abilities are scattered literally all over the left side of the keyboard because my binding pattern is based around playing an 85 Disc Priest. In arenas targeting is done 100% by the scroll wheel, but in bgs I click on raid frames to heal and nameplates to dps. I hate using tab to target, it's just so erratic that I can't rely on it to perform well.

` is autorun, and I bind 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, r, t, y, a, s, d, f, g, h, z, x, c, v, b, mouse scroll wheel up and down, and mouse button four and 5. I never use all of them on my level 20s, but those are my preferred buttons. I also remapped Caps lock on my keyboard to Control, so I have even more modifiers to love.
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I use the numpad for most of my core abilities including movement. num8 is forward, num4 l-strafe, num 5 back, num 6 r-strafe, num 9 for jump, num 0 . 1-3 / * - + for spells etc. And I also use del, home, end, page up, page down for more abilities. Some stuff I use less often in on the extreme right of the keyboard. I don't use the numbers or any f keys at all.

Basically I don't use anything on the keyboard left of k. Does anyone else use the numpad like this? It sounds kinda weird but it works for me. I started doing this years ago in fps games and carried it over to mmos. The only annoying thing is the occasional accidental hit on numlock, but that is easily fixed when it happens.
I use arrow keys for movement mixed with mouse.

I bind "end" to target nearest, delete to strafe left and pagedown to strafe right.

"\" key is jump, and numpad for abilitites. I find that I can hop over to type and then grab the arrow keys to re-center my hand position. The numpad gets pretty easy to nav due to the bump on the 5.

Just another option for people.


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