POLL: Who is the best 39 player?

Mage- nastay
Rogue- Bigmoran/boostz
Shadow priest Ko
Disc- Livingforce
hunter- Fancy/Outplayedqt
warrior- Revoggcya
druid- MvP
resto shaman Boostz/sudo
Enhance Shook
warlock- some belf female lock that I haven't seen in weeks
ret paladin - ??

Rofl, half your list never ques.
it's 'a la' pleb.

When rudely correcting someone and then personally attacking them, it is wise to get it correct yourself first. It is à la.
While we are on the subject of correcting people. You really should start your sentences with a capital letter. You should have also used a comma before your use of "pleb".
Have a wonderful week.

I'm so suprised that people don't light your fucking ass up for it too

moran is like any nerd, spends enough time on the forums making sure to see if he sees his name or not to address&respond to any amount of shots at him/arguements, so its a boring waste of time to argue with a very 2dimensional conversation at best every time without fail. 1 trick pony basically old news for anyone whos been on twinkinfo at all in past months, hes one of the more active posters
When rudely correcting someone and then personally attacking them, it is wise to get it correct yourself first. It is à la.
While we are on the subject of correcting people. You really should start your sentences with a capital letter. You should have also used a comma before your use of "pleb".
Have a wonderful week.


i never personally attack anyone m9.

Rofl, half your list never ques.

True. I don't feel strongly about many of the categories though. There aren't many players that make a huge difference game to game in an individual sense (part of that is ofc a function of the class they play). The ones that do are in my view, outplayedqt, fancy, boostz (on shaman or rogue), bigmoran and probably mvp. When alliance has ~2 of those people we usually win a good portion of the games and horde stops queuing.
At least he didn't put himself on his own list.


Obviously I'm the best resto shaman. His opinion comes from only queuing alliance. My communication is great, my dispels are great, my positioning is great, and I always break for FC like a champ. But haters gunna hate. :)
Obviously I'm the best resto shaman. His opinion comes from only queuing alliance. My communication is great, my dispels are great, my positioning is great, and I always break for FC like a champ. But haters gunna hate. :)

I'd say I'm horde biased if anything. Easier to appreciate opposing team/underappreciate teammates.
Obviously I'm the best resto shaman. His opinion comes from only queuing alliance. My communication is great, my dispels are great, my positioning is great, and I always break for FC like a champ. But haters gunna hate. :)

Mostly everyone regards themselves highly. Some more than others.
In cases such as this, it probably his Oedipus complex shining through. As in the others that nominate themselves for such trivial things. For etiquette demands, you should never nominate/list yourself.
Have a wonderful week.

Hey, at least it's more relevant than "who is the best lvl 10 player?".

I never made a "best of 10s". What is your point?

For the sake of your own arrogance, I will restate my comment : by knowing who the biased best 39 is, what will that do to you?

And I am glad to know people associate me with level 10s :) <3
Mostly everyone regards themselves highly. Some more than others.
In cases such as this, it probably his Oedipus complex shining through. As in the others that nominate themselves for such trivial things. For etiquette demands, you should never nominate/list yourself.
Have a wonderful week.


Do you even que? Or are you too scared to play the bracket? Before you give me some bull crap about a busy schedule let me tell you no body cares about your shitty trolling skills on TI. Que up and shut up m8

P.S. I would go to whatever college it is you attended and ask for a refund because your tiny grasp on psychology, and "complex" labeling are atrocities.

Have a good week

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