Please help... What to choose?!?

Post 3.2 - Druid or Shaman?

Hey guys! I'm new to the site here and so far I'm very pleased with all the available info that is posted here by the community.

With the upcoming 3.2 patch and the discovery of this site, I have been obsessing about twinks LOL I'm currently working on a 49 rogue as my main twink but I thought it would be fun to put together a 19 also. I am really torn between making a Druid or Shaman for the 19 bracket (Travel Form/Ghostwolf). I have never leveled either class past level 10 so I think it would be fun to see what I can do with them. I normally stick to playing melee classes (80 rogue, 80 pally, 70 war) but it seems like it would be fun to try a different style of play. I want to go with either a Druid or Shaman because:

1) I've never played them

2) I hate to get pwned by hunters

3) Something other then melee sound fun

I am hoping the community could help point me in the right direction...
Andronicus said:
2) I hate to get pwned by hunters

The level 19 bracket is not for you, but...

3) Something other then melee sound fun

Shamans are often played with a melee style despite the spell power that they stack. This is because Flametongue Weapon is a significant portion of their damage output. They can cast lightning bolts and heals at the right times, but they are mainly melee.

Druids are better healers.
Shamans are often played with a melee style despite the spell power that they stack. This is because Flametongue Weapon is a significant portion of their damage output. They can cast lightning bolts and heals at the right times, but they are mainly melee.

Druids are better healers.

That being said, are Shamans going to be a decent option for FCing after patch 3.2 or will Druids primarily fill that roll?
Andronicus said:
That being said, are Shamans going to be a decent option for FCing after patch 3.2 or will Druids primarily fill that roll?

Druids will still be surperior although shamans will also make good FCers.
I think it depedns what BattleGroup you are going to be playing, on Whirlwind there is maybe only 5 good twink shamans. Which brings up another point, are you going to be pugging more playing with guildies / pug?

If going guildies and some pug I would go Druid. Pugging I think a shaman might have better survivability even against hunters.

Also are you going Alliance or Horde?

So far it seems Alliance shamans make the better healer at 19 than Horde Shamans from personal opinion and from what I have read / heard / Argued about [=

(Gift of the Naru = OP >.>)
shamans have the tactical advantage of being able to purge, which is a big deal. also shammies have earthbind totem, another tactical advantage
Well depends alot what you want. Shamans are the most offensive and druids the most defensive healing class in the bracket. If your pugging alot Id suggest shaman, you could actually kill something and shamans are one if not the best solo class. Druids heal alot better tho, thats true and are better fcs.

Shamans also out do druids in arena by quite large margin if thats what your after.
Theme said:
Well depends alot what you want. Shamans are the most offensive and druids the most defensive healing class in the bracket. If your pugging alot Id suggest shaman, you could actually kill something and shamans are one if not the best solo class. Druids heal alot better tho, thats true and are better fcs.

Shamans also out do druids in arena by quite large margin if thats what your after.

Yea cause Shamans don't have BloodLust / Heroisum (Lawl at heroisum)

If Horde call it BL what do the Alliance call it then for short? lol
I say most definitely a Druid we aren't that affective against Hunters, but we sure as hell can easily get away from them and escape their movement impairing effects. Just switch between bear form and you should be good. This last week I've made a healer Druid, and I must say, they are a ton of fun playing. Best healers in this bracket imo.
I also made a druid not so long ago (my first twink was also a druid acctually, but now I'm making a FC :p and I must say, you can escape from a hunter without that much effort (shapeshifting out of the slows ftw) when I get a hunter on me, I useually try to get to the hut asap, and right before I'm there, I shadowmeld to get the pet off :D also, very important for all druids, remember to remove the serpent sting!
Aren't druids getting a new low level feral talent? Swipe or claw something like that.
Keep in mind a shaman FC in ghostwolf cannot be brought lower than normal running speed with snares come 3.2.... but he can't remove them. Once he is ahead it will be really hard to catch him without a travel form of your own. A druid can still be snared and has to spend mana to get out of this.

However a shaman can be poly'd. Druids have a HOT, draenei shaman have one but horde would have to suffer.

Will be interesting to see which really does make the best FC come 3.2
Ghostwolf can be dispelled.
Mother Goose said:
Keep in mind a shaman FC in ghostwolf cannot be brought lower than normal running speed with snares come 3.2.... but he can't remove them. Once he is ahead it will be really hard to catch him without a travel form of your own. A druid can still be snared and has to spend mana to get out of this.

However a shaman can be poly'd. Druids have a HOT, draenei shaman have one but horde would have to suffer.

Will be interesting to see which really does make the best FC come 3.2

Don't forget that shamans have a ghetto PW:Shield with the stoneclaw totem glyph, 15 sec CD.

I actually think shaman/druid combos will be nasty. Shaman running with his personal stoneclaw shield, instant ghostwolf, and dropping earthbind behind him. Druid running along with HoTing the shaman. Priest could do the same, but it will be easy to seperate/slow them by snaring the priest.
This is true, WSG is going to change alot. After one team caps a flag they just need to stay on defense and prevent the other team from capping 2 flags. This is really going to make it hard to gain rep especially because games are going to end 1-0 all the time. Druids and shammies may be great at FCing in 3.2 but in reality you only need one flag cap to win.

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