Please explain backpeddling and keyturning Hunters.

Well, its the first quest you get as a Hunter.

The Art of a Hunter
  • Buy Conscussive Shot: 0/5
  • Practice Backpeddle: 0/10
  • Practice Keyturn: 0/20
backpedaling means to move backwards to move away to create a gap using (default) s key . Generally done by inexperienced players who move backwards instead of strafing as strafing is faster.

Keyboard turning means using (default) A & D to turn around instead of using mouse by clicking and holding down. Again the latter been an inferior mode of looking around and changing direction.
those two words define most hunters in this bracket :) but think about it, if everyone was pro hunters, ........... I will be playing some other game
but no one could possibly use the 'A' and 'D' keys to turn instead of a mouse, that makes no sense.

You possibly could and some people do. Hell, I did, when I was playing on my laptop before I got a mouse. But no it's not an effective way to control your toon.

The S-key in dungeons doesn't matter too much imho, cause the mobs shouldn't be aggroed on you anyways. Just as long as you don't do it in bgs :)
So, if I start hitting someone and press 'S' to back away from them, because I can hit them faster than they can get into melee range of me, that's bad?

The reason backpeddling is bad is because it is the slowest possible way to move. A skilled player would use strafe or run directly away from someone and then flip back around ever few seconds to fire something off. The only reason hunters can get away with using the S-key at all instead of more efficient forms of movement is that the class is OP in the bracket and they have more forms of cc to slow people down while they backpeddle on their merry way... which is where you start to see the frustration coming from players who know that's not the best way to go about it.
See I'm torn on the trolling. I mean it is pretty obvious it is a troll question, but on the flip side... It's the reality in this bracket as well.

Legitimate question or troll question?

You decide!
Trolling is not simply baiting posts. Trolling is causing "unrest."

This is fine and even good. Not "trolling"

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