Playing For Free


Hello everyone,

I don't normally post much, but after returning to WoW for twinking after a 6 month hiatus, I realized that you can actually play WoW for free on a full account! It's possible that someone has mentioned this before or that it's just plain obvious, but I thought I'd point it out anyways just for you!

The World of Warcraft in-game store currently offers a 30 day game token that you can purchase for $20USD. This token can actually be sold in the Auction House, the price varies by server, day, and time but generally hovers right around 30,000 gold, at least on Bleeding Hollow (H). The theory is, that if you are good* with playing the Auction House, and make 30,000 gold minimum per 30 days, you can continually purchase these tokens and play for free on a full account!

The benefit is that more full accounts, rather than free-to-plays, might be beneficial to the overall twink community; bigger guilds, more collaboration, more items to go around, etc. Additionally, perhaps it's possible that a friendly beneficiary could also loan you a starting 30,000 gold to get your initial start.

Let me know your thoughts on this! Would more full accounts be beneficial to the twink community, rather than free-to-plays?

Thanks for reading!


*With today's World of Warcraft rate of inflation, making 30,000 gold over the course of 30 days is not nearly so difficult as it once was. Hell, grinding aquamarines and selling them for 65g a pop will get you a long way!
I have been playing like that ever since it arrived and it is real nice. Many have been doing this and saves alot of cash. It is awesome though prizes here in EU are rather high compared to US, 50-55k atm and not seen it dropped below 45k but that was a few months ago. Gladly we have lotsa ways to make that kind of gold ^^
Current prices are about 33.5k each.
They prices are not server dependent, it is regional.

I may work on a Garrison gold guide for some of you guys that seems to be having some problems.

I wouldn't mind paying for the subscription if I played more, but I can't justify that payment atm. I currently subscribed for one month to gear up some veteran 20 characters for when I get the itch to play again.
Even if you did pay cash, which I did from 2005 until the token became available. And on more than one account I might add. It is still a very very inexpensive form of entertainment. Hard to beat 50 cents a day!

Imho it's a big shame Blizzard introduced RWT, through these tokens. Although I do use them. I've always seen this as a last resort. I'm of the opinion that progress in MMORPG's should never be influenced by real world money.

On the f2p side of things, I think this is great for alot of people. Namely the people who play sporadically. I just wish f2p's would get their own bg's/arenas instead of getting thrown in with the other 29's.
Imho it's a big shame Blizzard introduced RWT, through these tokens. Although I do use them. I've always seen this as a last resort. I'm of the opinion that progress in MMORPG's should never be influenced by real world money.

On the f2p side of things, I think this is great for alot of people. Namely the people who play sporadically. I just wish f2p's would get their own bg's/arenas instead of getting thrown in with the other 29's.

Apologies, I did not realise there was already a thread about the tokens.
You can do this, but im not sure if trial accounts would have access to it, as they cant use the AH and they can't amass that much gold with a 10g limit

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