<Playground Bullies> ER

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Doomchicken;808382 Recruitment via twinkinfo is officially closed. Not interested in Narks said:
well not like you got anyone from twinkinfo to join your phiasco guild anyway, maybe a bunch of 9th graders. twink eat twinkies #1
Thanks for your words of wisdom Dimple, your the bestest boomakin evar! Oh and you can't play any other class either.. that sux brah... funny you say TeT rank 1 when 2 months ago you would trash talk the s'''' out of anyone with that gtag and yet you can't pull your weight in a premade to save your life. Why you even waste your time trying to prove something here I don't understand... As you lack the ability to play this game completely, Funny side note here: Dimple wasted like 200 bucks transfering people for his guild a few months back and they all screwed him over cause he was so bad... You caught me guys I'm in niffthh grade and I do math n shiii so back off! I'm almost in 10th grade and it's been the bestest'est summer evar so far so lay off or i call the interwebs powece on yo biatch a$$$
Pretty sure I could get you arrested for harrassment of a minor Dimple, would that affect your 14 dolla an hour jawb? You so gud at lif3 dude! You're not dead end trail park trash at all right? How's that cute sista of yours btw?! I got first dibs cause that hoe gun need a real man to support her needs n shii right?
I could go on for dayz here but I'd rather roll one up and enjoy the view from my pappa's mansion. Life's gud when u gettin carried irl by yo fami-re! You wouldn't know anything about this kinda life tho eh Dimple? Life's been rough with you... first Walmart fiered you then your mom was like "get your own place you 30 year old fuk" I truely feel bad for you, Feel free to envy my life
And this is a prime example of why no one should join a guild with a guild master like this. To shut you down, let me state a few things as facts.

1) while you've been sitting here all day arguing with 14 year olds i been at the beach and bar hopping all day enjoying myself and my day off work.
2) if im making such bad money as a meat cutter, (which is a career) i wouldn't be able to afford two hundred dollars to blow on a game.
3) you're living in your " pappa's mansion " how's that going for you?
4) im 20.
5) I don't recall myself living in a trailer. I live in a gated community. maybe close to the size of your pappa's mansion?
6) everything that you've posted so far is complete ignorance. Showing your lack of words and the way you phrase sentences reminds me of jamesB (that's not saying much )
7) I live in downtown charleston sc, if your not familiar with that look it up then come at me again. Btw i just had quail for dinner, at Slightly north of Broad, if you don't know what that is you should look it up too. and check the prices of the meals and drinks there, maybe you wouldn't know what that's like eating at such a nice place.
8) go head and get me arrested. lmao you're such a joke.
oh by the way, this is a picture of the place i ate tonight for dinner, i didst take this but just to give you some what of an idea. View attachment 4332


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Handing out some well-deserved temporary bans. This type of trash isn't welcome on the website.
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