planing a 19 rogue (maybe dagger)

Lordex de said:
I don't want to have many sets (one mixed set is enough).

I personally am a dagger rogue and I'll suggest what i have to offer.

Feel free to alter what I have or copy.

Lucky Fishing Hat +100 health enchant

Scouts Medallion

Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders 30 stam, 15 resil enchant

Sentry Cloak +12 dodge or +3 agilty enchant (have both)

Blackend Defias Chest +4 stats enchant

Forest Leather Bracers +9 stam enchant

Gloves of the Fang +15 agility enchant

Deviate Scale Belt

Scouting Trousers of the Monkey +40 stam, 12 agility

Nat Pagles Extreme Anglin' Boots +10 hit, 10 crit enchant

Meadow Ring of Eluding

Legionnaire's Band

Insignia of the Horde/Alliance

Arena Grand Master

Bow: Charmed Ancient Bone Bow

Weapons: Assassin's Blade x2

I originally linked you to an armory but then i realized armory doesn't work for some reason when I linked it so i just typed it out.

This is currently my exact gear and exact enchant. '

Good luck!
regarding Ambush, I was going on WoWWiki and ran across this formula a couple mo.'s ago.

Damage = [(Weapon Damage + Modifier) * 2.75 + Rank Bonus Damage] * Opportunity * Master of Subtlety

so.. regardless of weapon choice the formula will be.

Damage = [((Weapon Damage + Modifier) * 2.75) + Rank Bonus Damage]

where Rank Bonus Damage = Ambush.. so Rank Bonus Damage = 110

and Modifier = (Attack Power / 14) * 1.7

so.. the more Attack Power I have on a character, the better the Damage.

+5 wep damage in MH & best wep to give you most AP in OH, which would be +15 agi on a CB.


/cast Stealth

/equipslot 16 Assassin's Blade

/equipslot 17 Cruel Barb

then you can combine one of the previous posters macro


/equipslot 16 Cruel Barb (MH wep) w/ +15 agi

/equipslot 17 Thief's Blade w/ +15 agi

/cast Sinister Strike

If I'm in combat and I want to change to a dagger MH so I can backstab, simply use the "Stealth" macro to change weps. (being in combat won't allow you to stealth, but will let you change your weps)
Is the Charmed Ancient Bone Bow worth it at the 19's? I'm using Throat Piercers (the +2 Agil) now but i'm always looking for better ups- I spend most my time either as FC or holding the center.
Rayekk said:
Is the Charmed Ancient Bone Bow worth it at the 19's? I'm using Throat Piercers (the +2 Agil) now but i'm always looking for better ups- I spend most my time either as FC or holding the center.

65 Emblems sounds like a lot of gaming to me.
aye- that's my dilemma- I'm looking to get the staff for my 29 druid's heal set (Also 65 badges)- so I'm trying to weigh the options wisely.
Mazurati said:
65 Emblems sounds like a lot of gaming to me.

Might be hard for you if you don't raid or do heroics constantly but my guild clears everything including 3D so it wasn't a big deal for me.

I'd say get it if you have the extra badges, it's not a huge upgrade but in my eyes everything counts in PvP.
I leveled my 19 rogue out of the bracket, but he had the max (literally) AP set... I can hop on him and put that stuff on and you can armory him if you like... Or I can post it here
another note on your leg patch- with the BoA shoulders/enchant, you can get the Nethercobra leg patch (50AP and 15 crit I think) and still survive anything short of three hunters. You did say you wanted huge numbers...

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