planing a 19 rogue (maybe dagger)

Hi everyone,

I made a rogue for leveling, gave him the BoA Sword + Shoulders (with the pvpenchant) and leveled him till 10. Then yesterday I found the Assassin's blade for 25 gold (I loled alot when I bought it). Now I think about making a daggerrogue and need some tips, it's an alliance human. Bought the rar cloak & shoes, 2 rar belts, +8 agi-trausers and +5 agi-bracers. Just need some tips and hints what other items and enchants I should go for. Thought about 2k stamina with professionbuff.

Or is a daggerrogue complete stupid in 19 pvp?
Lordex de said:
Hi everyone,

Or is a daggerrogue complete stupid in 19 pvp?


But honestly, if you want huge backstab and ambush-crits, as that's what's luring most of those daggerholics to use daggers, go crit/ap gear instead. It won't keep you up long against skilled rogues or hunters, but for those true scrolling-combat-text-lovers it's the only way to go.

My gear would be:

Goggles/Hat +8agi


Your BoA shoulders

Glowing Lizardscale Cloak +3 agi

Tunic of Westfall +4 stats

Wranglers Wristbands of Power +9 strength

Gloves of the Fang +15 agi

Blackened Defias Belt

Scouting Pants of Agility Nethercobra Leg Enchant

Fishing Boots Cat's Swiftness/ Boots of the Fang Minor Speed

But then again, just read your last line once more.
Is +9 str really so good? Thought something like stamina, cause I don't want to have many sets (one mixed set is enough).
If your already throwing away the idea of swords, you have to completely go AP with dagger. If your definitely going dagger, don't go a hybrid, go full AP. I addition to what Natasya said, get +5 Weapon Damage on Assassins Blade.. and go either Thief's Blade or Cruel Barb OH (Cruel barb has more AP, but Thiefs has higher crit and dodge) with +15 Agility.
Natasya said:

But honestly, if you want huge backstab and ambush-crits, as that's what's luring most of those daggerholics to use daggers, go crit/ap gear instead. It won't keep you up long against skilled rogues or hunters, but for those true scrolling-combat-text-lovers it's the only way to go.

My gear would be:

Goggles/Hat +8agi


Your BoA shoulders

Glowing Lizardscale Cloak +3 agi

Tunic of Westfall +4 stats

Wranglers Wristbands of Power +9 strength

Gloves of the Fang +15 agi

Blackened Defias Belt

Scouting Pants of Agility Nethercobra Leg Enchant

Fishing Boots Cat's Swiftness/ Boots of the Fang Minor Speed

But then again, just read your last line once more.

haha this actually sounds tempting. Being a tank-rogue is ok, but I want HUGE NUMBERS! :D
If you are dying to put that Assassin's Blade to work, but don't want to be a dagger rogue, just make two simple macros and put +5 damage on the AB.

#showtooltip Stealth

/equipslot 16 Assassin's Blade

/cast Stealth


#showtooltip Sinister Strike

/equipslot [equipped:Daggers] 16 Shadowfang

/cast Sinister Strike


Anytime you go into stealth, you will equip the Assassin's Blade so you are ready to Ambush. Anytime you try to Sinister Strike, you will first equip your Shadowfang (or change to whatever sword you use). Also, if you lack the energy for a Sinister Strike, you will still start your auto attack.
Lordex de said:
I will be a dagger rogue, just a question what enchant on the dagger is better.

+5 Weapon damage.

Got the assassin's blade to and I tried 15+ Agi and +5 Wep damage. +5 Wep damage gives 1.4 DPS more. That's a lot!
Dagger rogues use Backstab and Ambush that rely heavily on weapon damage. +5 weapon damage will increase those by a ton. A lot more than the 15 AP and whatever crit from the 15 Agi enchant, especially since both attacks are normalized.

As for the waived goodbye to choosing survivability over damage the moment you choose to be a dagger rogue. For you, more damage > more survivability.
Lordex de said:
Is +9 str really so good? Thought something like stamina, cause I don't want to have many sets (one mixed set is enough).

+9 strength = +9 attack power , so for ap set , or w/e u migth use it for , then yes :)
+5 weapon damage on any main hand does a lot more than 15agi. also +5 is constant, no chance required and plays big into sinister strike damage.. so many players though are brainwashed into thinking there is only one way to enchant and build a twink. especially if you play a BS/amb rogue. you can see the difference when you use heavy sharpening stones in 19 bracket.

in our guild we had mats to waste and test using exact built rogues. this is what we can up with 2 weapons enchanted the same doing multiple duel tests. fights were just hits using no spells/abilities. we didn't test duel +5.....would have been too costly.

icy wpn - worthless

fiery wpn - works okay

+3 wpn - very close to fiery, trounces icy. very good for a 3-5G enchant

+4 wpn - near same as fiery, very close fights won 75% of the time.
Ambush (Rank 1)

60 Energy 5 yd range


Requires Dagger

Requires Stealth

Ambush the target, causing 275% weapon damage plus 77 to the target. Must be stealthed and behind the target. Requires a dagger in the main hand. Awards 2 combo points.

As you can see ambush is based off of a percent of weapon damage, so adding +5 weapon damage compared to 15 agi would be like having 25 ap vs 15.

Also if your going daggers your spec should be 8/0/2 giving you 30% extra crit on backstab and 20% extra damage on backstab and ambush. so take 20% of 25 ap. which puts your chant at about the worth of 30 ap.

NOTE: Only put weapon damage on your main hand. since rogue abilities base damage off of main hand weapon damage offhand +5 wpn dmg is pointless. Use a barb with 15agi and you will be getting 27 ap from your offhand.
Thanks for all the information guys, my twink is now allmost finish and has yesterday started to play pvp. If you want to check my armory: *push teh button*

Edit: What is the best thing for the range-slot? The BoA Bow or this throw-thing (+2 agi)?
it's all preference really

+2 agility helps marginally with your melee attacks (which you use heavily)

a good bow ([item]Venomstrike[/item]) would help heavily with your ranged attacks (which you use marginally)

i'd recommend getting both and using venomstrike until you feel like you don't need it anymore. you may or may not reach that conclusion :p

as ally you'll need to get your [item]Throat Piercers[/item] in nuetral ah i believe
the bow isn't very good because it is slow. the thrown weapons have like a 0.5 second release time so it can stop a bandage that much faster.

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