Plains Ring: Insane to try and farm it?

Sooooooooooooooo call me craznutzo, but I've getting antsy trying to get the Plains Ring for my druid on my server. I’ve been checking the AH (on both alliance and horde- yay two accounts!) in hopes to run across one, with not luck. Rather than quit my job and sitting in front of the AH all day refreshing, I though that maybe I’d try to farm it. Now, I’m trying to get real data o the drop rate (I kinda understand that it’s got a .1% drop rate off the end boss; and less than that off trash) so has anyone had success farming this?

I ask, because I tried to do this for Assassin’s Blade for Rayekk, and ended-up bouncing off the walls after 120 +/- runs with nada (no Shadowfang either).

Soooooooooo is this another “Assassin’s Blade/Shadowfang†kind of deal, or does it have a slightly better drop rate? Also, is it even worth clearing the instance, or should I just destroy the end boss?

On my server there is a plethora of Plains Rings on the AH for around 20g each. I would just wait to see one there.
Well, I need to come to your server then, cause I've been looking for 2 months, and NADA!!!! Hence the "farm" tread.
I have a friend that tried to farm it and went bonkers himself. Seems to be a very very rare drop.

IMO, not worth the time
hummmm i must be lucky then cuz i got almost 1 on every char iv every lvl'd, it cud be that im just lucky or u have alot of farmin on ur hands.......i dont think it would be a worse drop rate than the shadowfang/assassin's blade IMO iv have plenty of them drop while runnin ppl tru instance's.
There where like 3 in the A.H on my server last night. And I checked this morning and there all gone, but I think we actually got 1 in G Bank. GL
just keep checking the AH. if you want to farm something, go for the DMH or a charged gear of stamina or charged gear of the eagle.
So your going to farm a bad ring for eternity instead of farming charged gear of the eagle for a lil bit?
True, the charged ring drops every time for me in Gnomer! All of my twinks have it. Never have a problem finding the proper combination of stats for what ever class I have.
the big difference it that I can solo farm the Plains Ring- where I need someone to clear tha back-half on gnomer for the chaged ring (trust me- I ran it like 50 times, and never saw it).
Mangone said:
True, the charged ring drops every time for me in Gnomer! All of my twinks have it. Never have a problem finding the proper combination of stats for what ever class I have.

While you're prob being sarcastic, its much easier to farm a drop from a boss than a random world drop. Thats not even mentioning that charged gear is better anyways.
What are the states on Plains ring?

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