Yeah apparently mailed BoAs staying transmogrified has been hotfixed. Blizzard quickly detected the fun, and quickly nerfed it. But really, what's the harm if a BoA keeps it's level 60-85 graphic? IMO once the mistake was made, Blizz simply should have left it that way. Now what was once fun has been nerfed to the ground. I'm just glad I became active again after 4.3 and mogged my items before it was killed...
Thats a nice set ^ But those swords need to be sfs, best lookfor 19 rogues imo, the random swords kill it :> sick though
It was fixed? Was said to still be working 6-7 hours ago. Was hoping to find all the gear for my pally but didn't get it done yet.
Edit. Still works.
Yeah apparently mailed BoAs staying transmogrified has been hotfixed. Blizzard quickly detected the fun, and quickly nerfed it. But really, what's the harm if a BoA keeps it's level 60-85 graphic? IMO once the mistake was made, Blizz simply should have left it that way. Now what was once fun has been nerfed to the ground. I'm just glad I became active again after 4.3 and mogged my items before it was killed...
EDIT: BTW I just tested this on my server, Drenden. First try, the mog disappeared. Second try, the mog stayed. It's still bugged, so get in your mogs while you can!
see what did i say?
Heres mine , to bad i cant change the look of the shoulders =/ ah well
Why shouldn't you be able to do that?
Probably as he haven't got a main on that server, I believe.