Petition : Remove 20 Minute Timer for Warsong Gulch DISCUSSION THREAD

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Hmm... I don't know, I don't really mind a 20min WSG. Basically I only see this effecting PUGs, because for Premades you can just play till 3 caps or best out of 3 games.

It'll also make the honor grind @ 80 alot easier.:)

I mean I do love 2hr matches, but when it's a Premade with 10 organized and skilled Twinks, not pugs with 19 Hunters w/ Speedpots rambo-ing around midfield.

I'll be undecided until I test this all out myself, but as of right now I don't really mind it.
I'm a 29 twink so I can always go play AB and the good thing about this is that people might come to 29 because of this =p. I suppose we'll just need to wait and see.
Simple fix is to remove the 20 minute timer for non-xp BGs. People leveling through get what they want by getting fast 20-minute tops games. And the twinks get the drawn out and epic games that they want.
Rottenuts said:
I'm a 29 twink so I can always go play AB and the good thing about this is that people might come to 29 because of this =p. I suppose we'll just need to wait and see.

AB was shortened as well.

Matches will now be at 1600 instead of 2000.
Drayner, you may want to reconsider your wording here.

"I can not remember a 20 minute or longer game I have played that I enjoyed to be honest. "

Might wanna' change that to "or shorter"
Rip said:
Hmm... I don't know, I don't really mind a 20min WSG. Basically I only see this effecting PUGs, because for Premades you can just play till 3 caps or best out of 3 games.

It'll also make the honor grind @ 80 alot easier.:)

I mean I do love 2hr matches, but when it's a Premade with 10 organized and skilled Twinks, not pugs with 19 Hunters w/ Speedpots rambo-ing around midfield.

I'll be undecided until I test this all out myself, but as of right now I don't really mind it.

Your BGs must be different than ours. Anytime in the recent past that we have had two teams that are evenly matched (amount of twinks and good class balance) it would be a good 40-60 minutes before the first flag would even be capped. That means that vengeance will probably be looking at many tied games 0-0.

And of course you could try the sillyness of keeping score in multi-games. But then one side or the other will lose momentum of the game. And whether we like it or not, the momentum shift matters.

We shouldn't have to compromise with the best out of 3 games because wow has added a timer. We should be more vocal and offer alternative ideas. One thing would be to simply remove the timed games from anyone who has exp turned off.

The other big challenge will be the forever long queues we are about to face. Again, why are the twinks being penalized? One suggestion would be to combine all server exp-off into one single battle group. There is no reason that any of us should have to pay money to transfer to a more active exp-off bg, (as was suggested before). Wow should be able to simply combine queues of everyone with exp-off so that we do not sit for hours on end.

Last but not least. I plan to complain and complain a LOT. The old saying, the squeeky wheel gets the oil. I plan to complain when I have to sit in long queues, I plan to complain when a game goes 0-0 for 20 minutes, and I plan to complain because I am sick of paying to play one thing in wow and they keep fucking it up.

Yours Truly,

Lonah- GM Malthoron Traders Union-Draka Server/Vengeance
there's nothing like being in a WSG where you come back from 0-2 or you have quite a few close calls in a long WSG match...etc...

plus i won't like that the timer will abruptly end WSG, even if you're about to kill the EFC or if you're in a tight game or whatever.

all in all, there are ways around it, and there are a few positives, but i probably won't enjoy timed WSGs as much. but maybe i'm just being nostalgic.
i think that they should atleast give a raid warning every 5 minutes of the time left, it seems polite.

i really would rather them just remove it but mreh i signed the petition now i profit.
Painaid said:
Simple fix is to remove the 20 minute timer for non-xp BGs. People leveling through get what they want by getting fast 20-minute tops games. And the twinks get the drawn out and epic games that they want.

This is completely right.
Painaid said:
Simple fix is to remove the 20 minute timer for non-xp BGs. People leveling through get what they want by getting fast 20-minute tops games. And the twinks get the drawn out and epic games that they want.

im going to just go ahead and quote my girlfriend on this one "yes, yes, yes! ohhhhhh yeaaaaaah, right there! mmmmm that was so awesome!"
I really don't think this will work because we aren't giving Blizzard any incentive to actually change the 20 minute WSG timer. Sure they see a list of names that don't like a certain aspect of the game, but so what? W/o an incentive blizz won't change anything and the only one I can think is cancelling our accounts. But I doubt any of us are actual going to cancel are account over the WSG timer.
Cptheals said:
I really don't think this will work because we aren't giving Blizzard any incentive to actually change the 20 minute WSG timer. Sure they see a list of names that don't like a certain aspect of the game, but so what? W/o an incentive blizz won't change anything and the only one I can think is cancelling our accounts. But I doubt any of us are actual going to cancel are account over the WSG timer.

I twink because being level 80 and sitting around waiting for the next holliday for something new to do is just stupid.I have been playing for 2 years and without PvP I do'nt see me sticking around too much longer. Maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit but the only reason I can see Blizzard doing what they did (Removing XP and adding the WSG timer) is to get rid of twinks without looking like the bad guys at the same time. In one hand the did us a the other they slapped us in the face.
Ok, so I have read all of everybodies comments and I thought that I should put in my own 2 cents. So heres the deal. We can get this changed, there is no doubt about that, but do realize that Blizzard is a business, and they do what is best for their profit. There are (and always will be) more 80's than twinks, so we are already second class citizens. So now think of this, if we present Blizzard with a list of 200 signatures saying we don't like the change, does that effect them at all? There are 5,000 80's benifiting from it. So if we want to get this changed, for one we need everybody involved. We need to show Blizzard that they made the wrong choice and that it made more people mad than happy. If people threaten to quit and/or quit, this will also help (Remember business!) 11,000,000 people is A LOT of subscribers, So I would say we need 10,000 signatures and 1,000 people who will quit over the issue. I signed the petition myself and am encouraging all others to sign it. If you aren't willing to do that, then don't even bother trying to get it changed. 200 signatures isn't enough alone...
Personally, I think that this 20 min timer is complete BS. Whats the point of a battleground if you cant fight it to the end? It makes winning a matter of who can cap the first flag and proceed to turtle for 20 minutes. I mean seriously, I enjoy battlegrounds regardless of time but what about my guildies, peers, friends ,etc? No. Putting a limit on a competitive game is like putting a limit on chess, you don't have time to think of a strategy and play you just "pew pew" to the end regardless of skill. My 2c.
i think it s a great ideea that the bg is limited to 20 min and i hope the petition do not succed

i hate when i end up in a bg full of hunters and rogues twinks that pwn me at GY and i can t get out of that stupid bg

20 min is enough!
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