danny glover
Officially Retired
tisk tisk
Why did u get banned?]
Botting my mage.
:O u are a bad person
Where is the person who reported me?
Why I oughta! Lemme at em.
Why reroll? Most of us will just report you when we have to carry your sorry ass some more. If you can't play then don't play.
I reported you, but so did 70 or so other people. Don't feel bad we did the same thing to Goldendays.
qfti never got why people bot bgs, just wpvp. That way it doesn't affect anyone adversely.
That only works if Vailent isn't around to attempt to actively stop the wpvp method.I never got why people bot bgs, just wpvp. That way it doesn't affect anyone adversely.
World pvp honor caps you overnight when it's not cta. I've tried both and believe me, wpvp is a lot faster.World pvp has a horrible ratio of honor per hour.
Bots are better than 95% of the people in the f2p bracket anyway. Neon is probably doing us more good than bad.