Oh damn pizza n arie what happened to them?i miss legion vipers surv/heal turtle in flagroom strat premades
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I knew I should have trusted my gut and screenshotted every time you were in our guild chat LFG.i've been queueing what are you smoking? do i need to start posting screenshots again?
stay mad that you will never be as good as me, it is your choice after all
still not a long time ago but I miss 1v1ing in rbgs with Almond, idk if he even remembers me but testing out my skill against another feral was fun
Almond still plays now fairly regularly
You'll know he's there when there's 4 hunters and a disc priest running at youGuess I'm just extremely unlucky at getting into games with him since I havent seen him in months
I miss Lebron, he put in work.View attachment 19094
Tonight my head ran through memory lane with people who I missed playing with and against. And why not name a few on top of our heads to remember their glory.
Bendar, Rogue. Even tho I didn't play much with him as he came back to the bracket some years ago. We played and talked on point and he's one of the people I miss the most. Duo rogue ftw.
Old GSC buddies. Destroluck, Lucieon, and Vanillamilk. I respected these guys a lot for their skill and confidence in bgs/wargames even tho I played against them in SPC. Mostly looked up to Lucieon, hense why I'm maining rogue now. From the same home town these guys wouldn't stop annoy me with how they knew me irl.
Old Syntax Error peeps. Spoink, Bellatrix, Systm, and Massakra. It's the first twinking guild I joined in cata I think, and sometimes see them logging on btag and we have a laugh. Zuro, stop recruting me to SPC
Old SPC plebs. Flipton, Poonmeister, Kunqz, and the rest. No need to mention your glory here cause we experienced it together. Stop giving GM to randoms, Zuro.
Holymessia, Paladin. Even tho you kept deleting me 5 times on btag you're still one of the guys I miss the most.
Phonebook, Paladin. This guy made me make a paladin for his awesome plays. Big fan.
You know where this is going... The famous afk logger Nasuada. We always used to keep a scoreboard of how many times we killed him in bgs before he could afk. You're a great guy when we got to know you.
Shandia and Metalli. The perfect paladin comb (holy/ret). No matter how many these guys had on them, they could persevere without question. And welcome back.
Sojvetgodx, hunter. Even tho he still plays, we used to heads to toes with each other back in the days. gg bud.
There might be some guys I didn't mention. Don't worry, you guys are still awesome.
I knew I should have trusted my gut and screenshotted every time you were in our guild chat LFG.
what happened here is i solo queued, if you watched carefully you would have noticed for most of the bg i didn't help tence or dfac, i didn't want to help them because i naturally assumed they queued together, it was only after i called them trash for dying as hpal surv vs some levelers when tence mentioned he solo queued, obv he could have been lying but i gave him the benefit of the doubt then joined them and the rest of the team in fighting together for the windon't trust these guys, they pretend to trashtalk each other, then proceed to own in BGs together.
i've been calling sag trash for years, thats nothing new, i simply wanted to see the current version
i've concluded sag does has a few decent and helpful 20s but most are subpar
what happened here is i solo queued, if you watched carefully you would have noticed for most of the bg i didn't help tence or dfac, i didn't want to help them because i naturally assumed they queued together, it was only after i called them trash for dying as hpal surv vs some levelers when tence mentioned he solo queued, obv he could have been lying but i gave him the benefit of the doubt then joined them and the rest of the team in fighting together for the win
could we have won if i kept avoiding tence and dfac? possibly, but after tence mentioned he solo queued he gained a small amount of respect from me and that was enough for me to stop actively avoiding him and dfac
this is one of the issues with most players nowadays, they believe when they see players trash talk that those players hate each other and will never share the battlefield together on the same team
i don't know and don't care how tence feels about it or others feel about it, i trash talk most players when i feel they deserve it but i don't hate them, even if they hate me, i can still occasionally play alongside them
i qued into him a lot. i didn’t even notice rofl.you miss playing against someone whose name appeared in a SS right above your post?
Those are respectable challanges...?I miss que'n into any respectable challenge from the horde, yall need to recruit somfas back to 20 bracket to pull shit together for you scrubs. Or maybe Gucci can teach yall how to flex again.