Vincentsedubun said:
i thought this was an inside-joke once, untill i saw it with my own eyes. i managed to get a queue in WSG, since the xp lock option i was unable to play bg's, last week was the first time i did bg's again. i am amazed that a lot of xp locked players join xp locked bg with health below 900, and a tiny smirk appears on my face. i began to scratch the back of my head, so this is where we are going uh?
This problem will never go away. Folks usually just /cry on their shoulders or /smack them or something to emote that their current state of regalia is sub-par, and a liability to the group.
But we also don't want to be total dicks and drive noobs away, we need numbers for the bracket to survive and, better yet, thrive. We should always encourage them to visit this site and gear appropriately before queueing XP-Off's. I mean, besides AGM, it literally takes a few hours to level from 1-19 BIS (provided ofc, that you have BOA's to shuffle, or full sets for all toons). I mean, with Boa's and a couple of pieces I was over 1k by level 15 if not better. I think alot of folks just want to be a part of the XP-OFF community (speaking of the newer players), but are unaware of all the resources so immediately available to them...
In summary, some people will always be dicks just because their daddy's a dick and his daddy's daddy before him was a dick. Dickishness is inbred. When folks are treated like shit enough they either become that exact same dick and spend more time in party chat saying dick shit rather than focusing on game objectives or they stop playing because of all the dicks that shat on their helmet game after game...
But I like to believe that most folks are genuinely good people, have families, maybe even children, and are versed in how to treat other people kindly and with at least a base, human level of respect. If you see these 800 hp noobs queue into your group, just whisper to them, or macro it or wtf ever. This simple gesture could really go a long way. More and more vets are getting bored and quitting frequently, or at least taking lengthy sabbaticals from the game. We need these numbers, and we need them to know how to gain access to the resources required to make themselves viable, reliable assets.
Edit: For the record, I just wanted to submit that I don't really believe that "Dickishness" is inbred per se, yet rather an unfortunate by-product of a myriad of socio-economic and environmental factors. It's just that in my own personal, unedited experiences, Dicks
usually make more Dicks.