People That Recruit these BiS Players.


Hi im new on these forums i came here looking for a guild and players to play with etc etc. I looked at few guild thread n that for the eu and i noticed that most guilds only recruit players that have the BiS gear. I was just wondering why this is and ive been playin a few bgs on my holy pally and ive noticed that alot of these guys with the BiS gear are no more skilled than the people that join the bgs with 800hp. Keyboard turning backpeddlers. So basically i was wondering why do guilds only accept these players? Thanks
This isnt true, like 1/50 twink is BiS, they will probably get you in if you are near BiS or well geared

Its just a way to say, we dont want garbage players
the more u play the more u learn, ppl with bis gear have got more experience of cata twinking than 800 hp ppl in most cases. also bad ppl with bis gear is better than bad ppl without bis gear
Yeh but comin away from the 800hp thing. Keyboard turner in BiS which i see alot of in the eu games, so bis keyboard turner vs a half geared guy that knows what he is doing and has pvp experience, may not be in the 19 bracket but still experience yeh, the keyboard turner is gna loose right? Thats my point
Flapzy said:
Yeh but comin away from the 800hp thing. Keyboard turner in BiS which i see alot of in the eu games, so bis keyboard turner vs a half geared guy that knows what he is doing and has pvp experience, may not be in the 19 bracket but still experience yeh, the keyboard turner is gna loose right? Thats my point

Unless its a hunter my warrior has died to backpeddling hunters it angers me
As a community, we twink for different reasons. This topic has been coming up since when i started twinking in '07. One of those reasons is "we dont need to play all the time and get new gear every few months like our end-game counterparts" - this is including when new raids come out and when new arena seasons start. With less time gearing up- you spend more time competing with your toon. Now this is not completely true, in every new major content patch gear is grandfathered and some new gear is always added, But my main is a mage and has gotten 2 new weapons in the past 2-3 months, and i am getting close to finishing the ember questline of the legendary staff. My twink rogue, however, has been rocking 2 shadowfangs since 2007. *i had 2 with different enchants, even though AB what the best offhand wep- you get the point*
yes but the fact that u can die in 1 global now and that hunters can keep a slow up on u from 40 yards away all the time is a bit insane and removes everything that has to do with skills
devotadin said:
Unless its a hunter my warrior has died to backpeddling hunters it angers me

Lol - me too - so frustrating. One on one I can maybe take on my enh sham - say it's a 50/50 shot. It basically comes down to if they are smart enough to kite and not back peddle and if my trinket is up. If you get close enough to use your slow* it should be a win for you.

edit: *slow = piercing howl, assuming you have it ;o)
R Prime said:
Lol - me too - so frustrating. One on one I can maybe take on my enh sham - say it's a 50/50 shot. It basically comes down to if they are smart enough to kite and not back peddle and if my trinket is up. If you get close enough to use your slow it should be a win for you.

usually ya but honestly they can shoot farther then my charge is its getting ridiculous
Hurrx said:
han 800 hp ppl in most cases.

i thought this was an inside-joke once, untill i saw it with my own eyes. i managed to get a queue in WSG, since the xp lock option i was unable to play bg's, last week was the first time i did bg's again. i am amazed that a lot of xp locked players join xp locked bg with health below 900, and a tiny smirk appears on my face. i began to scratch the back of my head, so this is where we are going uh?
Vincentsedubun said:
i thought this was an inside-joke once, untill i saw it with my own eyes. i managed to get a queue in WSG, since the xp lock option i was unable to play bg's, last week was the first time i did bg's again. i am amazed that a lot of xp locked players join xp locked bg with health below 900, and a tiny smirk appears on my face. i began to scratch the back of my head, so this is where we are going uh?

I see at least 3 in every BG on horde however i dont seem to see at many of them on the alliance. Its even more funny watching them pick up the flag ;)
Near BiS gear is so easy to get these days that attempting to get admission without it points to a lack of dedication which is not good from a GMs point of view. Also, as someone else mentioned, with the state the bracket is in these days gear is a huge deciding factor, so without it you are at an obvious disadvantage which again isn't good from the GM point of view. Many guilds do have skill requirements as well remember.
Kore nametooshort said:
Near BiS gear is so easy to get these days that attempting to get admission without it points to a lack of dedication which is not good from a GMs point of view. Also, as someone else mentioned, with the state the bracket is in these days gear is a huge deciding factor, so without it you are at an obvious disadvantage which again isn't good from the GM point of view. Many guilds do have skill requirements as well remember.

Yes, but still alot of people cant manage to make a good twink for some reason
Nakedplumber said:
Yes, but still alot of people cant manage to make a good twink for some reason

idk why ppl arent even bothering with 225 herbalism as its so easy to get and improves your gameplay

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