Pay back is soo good.

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Just finished a game vs the french. capped 2 flags in 5mins and camped for 20mins.

Revenege is sweeet.


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Amusing how usually it's like someone's in BGchat "Stop farming, it's not fun and the ques wont pop" etc, now we didn't even have to call out "lets gy farm the fuckers", but everyone did it without hesitating a second D:
The two best things in life combined: twinking + history. I'm actually lauging IRL :D :D :D

But you won't like his post because you'd rather stay at 0 likes given, huh?

Wish I could say the same for WT in US but they usually don't get farmed and if they are it's /AFK.
Wait aren't the French supposed to lose at everything?
funny how everyone complained about TL farming GY but no1 questions it against the french :eek:
put it this way, the french are the like the US WT. stacking hunters/pala/rogues in cata and gy camped vs pugs.

So for blizzard to finally "fix" pvp to make it more skill based rather than RNG, it just prove how utter dog shite the french were.
so we are allowed to farm the french but no1 else?


hypocrisy at its best, no seriously wtf

hey this guy is mean to me, lets be mean to him aswell, i'm sure he will stop then!
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nolfen most deaths with 18, how is that even possible for a french rogue. just hide in stealth all day zzz
since everyone saying hypocrisy I think I will draw the relation as to how similar a word it is to hiphopatus... coincidence? I think not!
French deserve to be farmed because they were running 10man premades with OP classes and farmed GY/mid on any and every occasion, just like TL. Nobody liked the french in cata, much like they didn't like TL for doing the exact same thing. Nobody judges if you farm French/TL for the simple reason because that was what they would be doing if they had the chance.

I probably can't be bothered to participate in these farmfests later on anyways, because it's boring as shit. Mind you, when I (and most others) say "the french", I mean the french from Culte de la Rive Noire. The ones that 10man que with Isa to farm. Although, Horde Elune frenchies are pretty much the same...

This post @ the people trying to defend the frenchies.
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