Pathetic little Hunters

Yes... my problem is the player :p maybe I like objective play more. But nvm that stuff.

I don't support any of those ppl like Ghostbusters, ignore / no support for 24s. To me you seem like a good player, though the only times we meet aren't that pleasant ;p

I was only trying to point out that Fenna is also exploiting our ''code of honor''.

And it's true, horde is full of newbies :p GL / HF getting your loomies, see you in da gulch x)
fair enough, this was my level 19 twink, i pay to play this game so i play it the way i like, if you dont like it, tough. i just choice to play at lv20 because 24 is to much OPness.
Here's the problem though. We're not going to give you an ounce of respect. If you don't like it, tough. If you don't get heals, tough .. etcetc. You clearly care because you are trying to justify yourself and distance yourself from the 24s. We clearly care because we are telling you you aren't different. Doesn't matter in the end. We'll get mad when you hit twice as hard as the other twinks. You'll get mad when you get no heals.
leipreachan said:
fair enough, this was my level 19 twink, i pay to play this game so i play it the way i like, if you dont like it, tough. i just choice to play at lv20 because 24 is to much OPness.

Then why are you crying about Ghostbusters? deal with it
24's dont just effect me, they effect everyone on the team, i just happen to have made a complaint about it (yes it did sound like i was crying, poor wording im afraid). and by crying out not to heal me purely because i rolled a hunter is kinda of pathetic and hurting your own chances of winning aswell as possibly driving people away(ive yet to have anyone refuse to me heal or complaints from my team mates). i hit the same amount as every other hunter at this bracket with similar gear. and obviously i care, if i didnt i would be worse than a bank manager

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