Patch Changes and what they mean for level seventy!


Patch Changes and what they mean for level seventy?(PvP)


I'm not sure if there has been a post with this information in it focused on level seventy, however I have not seen one atleast so in this post I will put forward my thoughts on the changes and how they will effect level seventy and then leave it up to you guys to discuss.


Death Knights -



Blood Presence now provides an armor bonus of 55%, up from 30%.' This change will make death knights even stronger in rated battlegrounds and in PvE, it will give them more damage reduction against melee which can make a big impact due to rogues heading off in pairs to try solo the FC is common in RBG.

'Blade Barrier has been redesigned. It now passively reduces damage taken.'

'Bone Shield now has 6 charges, up from 4.'

These changes stood out for me the most in terms of death knights because the passive damage reduction on blade barrier and the increase of bone shield are going to keep death knights at the top of RBG FC. At the moment death knights are the best RBG flag carriers imo because of the sheer mobility and cooldowns they have, for example they have AMS to advoid them taziks and mages then they got icebound to keep out of stuns. As well as this they have death grip which can be used to pull mages into them to stop casting and a ranged strangulate which really makes them the best tanks at level 70 for PvP imo.

These changes are going to reinforce this as I said above, the charges are just going to make death knights be able to survive a bit easier and the Blade barrier passive damage taken is going to give them extra damage reduction on top of there armor reduction they are getting against melee.

Druids -

No huge changes in druids that we will see making a big impact upon level seventy however a key thing or two to point out is:

'Bear Form now provides a Stamina bonus of 20%, up from 10%.' This will give feral druids more HP when switching Bear form while their healer is cc'd or trying to play defensive - will make a difference but will hardly be noticeable.

'Wild Growth healing has been reduced by 20%.' Wild Growth is not that great in arena however druids will drop a bit of healing in rated battlegrounds with this 20% nerf because Wild growth is a really good heal in terms of keeping your team hotted ready for switches.

Hunters -

It's not bad news but its not good news for you hunters out there - The bad news is there is still no sign of that defensive ability being lowered to level seventy, however you are getting some damage increase!

'Explosive Shot damage has been increased by 15%' Those of you playing surv will find this shot doing more damage, however I still don't think that will make a huge difference on how hunters are portraited at level seventy which would be 'weak.' Only time will tell though I guess.

Mages -

You all better get your water buckets ready because fire is coming to town:

'Pyroblast’s initial damage has been increased by approximately 26%, and its damage over time has been increased by approximately 100%.' I remember that with out this change on my unBiS mage I was doing 6k pyro instants chuck another 1.5k on that and you got the change, expect 7500 instant crits in your face when going against fire mages from now on. The acutal damage over time increase as well is insane because it will stack with conflagation where it does damage based on your damage over time effects.

'Fireball damage has been increased by approximately 17%.' Not often used in arena and maybe not in RBG but with living bomb > dragons breath > fireball > instant pyro > conflag this combo will now just blow people up with the damage increase on fireball and pyro.

Oh and wait, it just got even better

'Living Bomb damage over time has been increased by approximately 10%, and explosion damage has been increased by approximately 120%.' Expect your target to literally be like a ticking time bomb now because when this blows up hes going to blow up as well if followed by the proper spells.

These changes I guess we're ment to be focused for level 85 PvE however I think they will make a big impact on level seventy and we will see a few more fire mages (I'm going to test it out and will post back.) Although I think mages need nerfs, considering I enjoy fire better I'm not too angry at this change.

Paladins -

'In addition to providing haste, the effect from Judgements of the Pure now increases mana regeneration from Spirit by 10/20/30% for 60 seconds.' Mana has never really been a problem at level seventy, however this will just reinforce this and I don't think your going to see a oom paladin for a while.

'Sanctified Retribution now increases the critical hit chance of Hammer of Wrath by 2/4/6%, down from 20/40/60%.' HUGE change in the amount of crits from Hammer of Wrath - does that mean level 74 retris won't be one shotting people? I doubt it, but we can hope right?

Not much else here that really effects level seventy, just a mana regen increase and a nerf on Hammer of Wrath crit which won't make a huge difference at level seventy because crit is quite high anyway but if your one of the luck ones where it doesn't crit you then this is why!

Priests -

Nothing that effects PvP what so ever here, priests don't really need anything anyway but would of been nice to see something like this:

'Priests healing below level 80 has been decreased by 30%, this change has been put forward to make level seventys that arn't mages, acutally be able to kill them'

We can hope right?

Rogues -


Wound Poison now reduces the target’s healing received by 25%, up from 10%' Will do nothing for level seventy imo, rogues do not need that 25% now to kill something - however skilled rogues might make use of it by using the weapon swap macros and putting it on the healer just to ensure that death.

Shaman -


Wind Shear’s base cooldown has been adjusted to 15 seconds, up from 6 seconds.' THANK YOU BLIZZARD!, although playing a shaman as a main myself and currently in the process of rerolling mage at all brackets this is really a big change. I have always thought that the 6second wind shear was to low a cooldown, now you can acutally fire them frostbolts into that shamans ass with out fake casting every 4 seconds! Lovin' it.

'Reverberation now reduces the cooldown of Wind Shear by 5/10 seconds, up from 0.5/1 second' Oh wait.. did I get happy to soon? Elemental shamans now get it on a 5 second cooldown instead of 6? this can't be right. Oh wait yep it is, blizzard being as smart as they are thought elemental shamans need the 5 second interupt. /facepalm.

'Shamanism now increases the spell power benefit to Lightning Bolt, Lava Burst, and Chain Lightning by 36%, up from 32%.' Bit of extra damage for elementals not a huge difference.

'Maelstrom Weapon can now also proc from fully absorbed melee attacks' Inc more instant heals and damage

'Mental Quickness has been redesigned. Instead of granting the shaman spell power, Mental Quickness now causes Enhancement shaman spells to behave as though the shaman has spell power equal to 55% of attack power. Enhancement shaman spells no longer benefit from spell power from other sources.' Inc more damage from Enchancement Shamans.

Guys want to hear two jokes?

1. Resto Shamans

2. Blizzard

'Ancestral Healing now also causes the shaman's heals to increase the target's maximum health by 5/10% of the amount healed, up to a maximum of 10% of the target's maximum health, for 15 seconds. This effect does not stack if multiple Restoration shaman are present, and does not apply to heals from procs.' This change as well as the one I'm about to link was added to make up for the loss of wind shear, but wait you guys are thinking now 'resto shamans healing is already OP though' and the answer is yes but after this change its about to get a whole lot more OP.

'Riptide's periodic healing coefficient has been increased by 50%. The initial direct heal is unchanged.' Also they gave the resto shammys more HoT tics - Resto druids hots are pretty bad now, maybe resto shamans will have better hots and direct heals than every class now?

Warlocks -

Not insane changes here, only things that are a impact is the destro damage increase yet that is still not big enough for me to write alot about - Sorry warlocks, not looking good for you at level seventy for yet another patch.

Warriors -

'Mortal Strike now reduces the target’s healing received by 25%, up from 10%' Will help a bit, but still not make a huge impact on level seventy because of how fast the games end.

Nothing else that really makes a huge difference, so same as warlocks sorry warriors not looking good.

Wait.. maybe I spoke to soon..

'Slam now uses a new character attack animation.' O-M-G! This might make warriors OP as anything at level seventy.

jk.. nice waste of time blizz-tard.

Races -

'The orc racial Blood Fury now increases spell power rather than only spell damage' Means that orc healers will get a benefit from this as well rather than just dps.

General -

'Guilds with inactive guild leaders can now usurp the leader under specific conditions. More information on this coming soon.' Oh oh oh, CY@ sparklystars.. inless guild masters start becoming active you can take control of the guild.. really good change imo.

'Transmog' Awesome for wacking on our level sixty gear and bossing it out.

'Raid Finder' AWESOME feature, however sadly won't work at level seventy.

'The amount of experience needed to gain levels 71 through 80 has been reduced by approximately 33%.' Making it a bit easier for retris to go 70-74 for wings time baby.

To conclude:

This is the end of the post I hoped that you found the information useful and can see the changes and the impacts they are going to make on level seventy in the future. I feel they are not that big to level seventy however there are a few nice features (slam woot) and a increase to fire mages/resto shamans which will make a big impact imo.

Thanks for reading and check out:

All patch notes can be found here:
Nice one!

Resto shaman guide nao!
Did you use the 12 size font ? it's quite small try using the 14 one and it might turn out even better.

On topic this might help people who are not too active keeping track of patch notes, well done !
haha every time i see resto sham changes just makes me lol everyone gonna roll em and gonna just be a huge mana burn fest
don't even care about all the bitching, resto shamans at 85 for pve are absolutely terrible and we needed this. i have been sat from heroic rag many, many, many times just due to the fact that i am a resto shaman. it's nothing personal or anything having to do with my playstyle, it's just that it's retardedly hard to 3 heal that fight with one of your healers being a gimpy resto sham.
don't even care about all the bitching, resto shamans at 85 for pve are absolutely terrible and we needed this. i have been sat from heroic rag many, many, many times just due to the fact that i am a resto shaman. it's nothing personal or anything having to do with my playstyle, it's just that it's retardedly hard to 3 heal that fight with one of your healers being a gimpy resto sham.

Mate you got sat out because your shit, resto shamans are the BEST healers in the game right BAR holy paladins in PvE its obv your guild thinks your bad.
Mate you got sat out because your shit, resto shamans are the BEST healers in the game right BAR holy paladins in PvE its obv your guild thinks your bad.

i am in the US 105 guild, if they thought i was shit they would boot me. there are very few guilds who have killed heroic rag using a resto shaman.

for pvp though, they are pretty OP/amazing.
Mate you got sat out because your shit, resto shamans are the BEST healers in the game right BAR holy paladins in PvE its obv your guild thinks your bad.

almost fell off chair good call

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