Patch 5.4.7 and healers


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Re: Patch 5.5 and healers

Battle fatigue is such bullshit, wish they would scrap that crap I'm tired of healing 800-1600 out of combat and healing 200-250 in combat its such a retarded concept. It's hard enough to kill someone with the base resilience bullcrap too, all it does is make fights longer until a huntard comes in and 3 shots you. blizz needs to forget about pvp and stop acting like they actually care because they are pissing off more players thinking this will solve anything. In addition to all of this I have said, if this goes live, we might see a lot of pissed off healers js
Re: Patch 5.5 and healers

Battle fatigue is such bullshit, wish they would scrap that crap I'm tired of healing 800-1600 out of combat and healing 200-250 in combat its such a retarded concept. It's hard enough to kill someone with the base resilience bullcrap too, all it does is make fights longer until a huntard comes in and 3 shots you. blizz needs to forget about pvp and stop acting like they actually care because they are pissing off more players thinking this will solve anything. In addition to all of this I have said, if this goes live, we might see a lot of pissed off healers js
It come for 777% sure
This change is perfectly fine - keep in mind that at level 90, healers are the ones that are really overpowered in PvP.
This change is perfectly fine - keep in mind that at level 90, healers are the ones that are really overpowered in PvP.

mate, keep in mind that this iw
this change is bad for all twinkbrackets, thats why we complain about it HERE ON TWINKINFO
mate, keep in mind that this iw
this change is bad for all twinkbrackets, thats why we complain about it HERE ON TWINKINFO

I am fully aware of that. The problem I see is that the complaining "its retarded" etc. is completely unwarranted because twinking is not something that Blizzard actively supports.
Updated notes, 60% instead of 65% now.
This won't actually make 90 healers less OP. Resil is increased from 72 to 77. This is a 5/28 increase, which means you will receive 17.9% less dmg than before.
Battle fatigue went from 55 to 60%. This is a 5/45 increase, which accounts for 11.1% LESS healing done in pvp than before.

This will make healers AND dps harder to kill in pvp. Not to mention:

"Gladiator’s Distinction, the set bonus for wearing two PvP trinkets, now grants 5280 Resilience (up from 2600)."

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