Patch 5.2 reloaded (20-24)

Right, after a dose of poor planning and a pinch of trolls decided to take Nakedplumber advice, with Vandiir plugging all the right information out of patch notes, here is all you need to know , I will keep these updated , let me know if anything is missing:
(Bold text changes indicate latest updates)
I don't have access to ptr atm so any help cross checking changes is welcome

  • Druid
    • Growl now requires Bear Form because it no longer activates the form.
    • Rip damage +15%.
    • Displacer Beast has been redesigned. It now triggers Cat Form and grants 50% increased
      movement speed for 4 seconds after teleporting, and no longer activates Prowl.
    • Guardian
      • Thick Hide now works with attacks, not just melee attacks.
    • Wrath damage have been increased by 9%.

    • Rejuvenation now costs approximately 9% less mana.
    • Revive now cost 55% less mana.
    • Restoration
      • Naturalist: This new passive learned at level 10 by Restoration Druids increases all healing done by the Druid by 10%.
    • Balance
      • Starfire damage and SP scaling increased by 9%.
      • Starsurge damage and SP scaling increased by 9%.

  • Hunter
    • Dismiss pet now has a cast time of 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
    • PvP trinkets that clear loss-of-control effects will now also clear these effects from the player's pet as well.
    • Aimed Shot cast time has been been reduced to 2.5 seconds, down from 2.9 seconds.
    • Aimed Shot damage +10%.
    • Steady Shot damage +20%.
    • Explosive Shot damage +15%.
    • Glyph of Marked for Death has been removed and its effects are now baseline.

  • Mage
    • Blazing Speed is now a level 15 talent, replacing Scorch (Scorch is now learnt at level 48 )!
    • Arcane
    • Frost
      • (24s) Fingers of Frost now has a 15% (up from 12%) chance to activate from Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt, and a 10% (up from 9%) chance to activate from Scorch.
      • Frostbolt now deals 32% more damage.
      • Ice Floes now has a 45-second cooldown, down from 1 minute and its duration has been increased to 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
      • Water Elemental
        • Freeze no longer does damage and only provides (24s) Fingers of Frost on a successful freeze.

  • Monk
    • Tiger's Lust and Touch of Karma no longer have a Chi cost.
    • Tiger's Lust can no longer be used on targets that have other temporary speed increases active.
    • Chi Torpedo now deals 15% more damage.
    • Healing Spheres now have duration of one minute.
    • Windwalker
      • Combo Breaker is now a passive ability granted at level 15 that grants a 12% chance to make the Monk's next Blackout Kick or Tiger Palm cost no Chi.
    • Mystweaver
      • Jab now costs 8% of base mana to use.
      • Soothing Mists now generates chi more consistently and average generation rate is slightly higher.
      • Healing Spheres will now heal for 50% of their original value if they expire without being picked up. This healing will factor in relevant Mastery.
      • Eminence now heals for 25% of the damage done.
      • Serpent's Zeal heals for 12.5% per stack of damage done (was 25%).

  • Paladin
    • Judgment now costs 5% of base mana.
    • Retribution
      • Sword of Light now increases Flash of Light by 100%, up from 30%.

  • Priest
    • Power Word Shield:
      • 25% buff to Holy.
      • 17.5% buff to Disc.
      • Talent: Psyfiend belonging to an individual Priest will no longer cast Psychic Horror on the same target twice.
    • Holy Fire is now an instant cast ability holy/disc.
    • Dominate Mind now has a 1.8-second cast time, down from 2.5 seconds.
    • Flash Heal's healing has been reduced by 20%.
    • Spiritual Healing is a new passive ability obtained by Discipline and Holy Priests at level 10. This ability increases the amount of healing done by Flash Heal 25%. For Holy and Discipline Priests, there is no decrease to the amount of healing done by that spell.
    • Holy
    • Discipline
      • Penance damage and healing has been increased by 20%.
      • Penance cooldown has been reduced from 10s to 9 seconds.
      • Penance now has a range of 40 yards for both friendly and hostile targets (was 40 yards for friendly and 30 yards for hostile targets).
      • Rapture now reduces the cost of Power Word: Shield by 25% and provides mana equal to 150% (down from 200%) of the Priest's Spirit and no longer benefits from Spirit provided by short-duration bonuses
      • Devine Aegis now causes critical heals to apply an absorb shield on the target for 100% of the amount healed instead of healing for twice as much. In addition, it grants Power Word: Shield a chance equal to the Priest's critical chance for the shield to absorb twice as much damage.
    • Shadow
      • Shadowform increases damage by 25%, up from 20%.(internal build change, good chance for it to be buffed even more)

  • Rogue
    • Shadow Focus now reduces ability energy costs by 75% while stealthed, down from 100%.
    • Combat
      • Vitality now increases attack power by 30%.
      • Blade Flurry has been changed. It now strikes up to 4 additional nearby targets for 40% of normal damage.
    • Assassination
      • Envenom damage +20%.

  • Shaman
    • Stone Bulwark Totem now absorbs 25% more damage.
    • When summoned, the Stone Bulwark Totem has health equal to 10% of the casting Shaman's health.
    • The talent Nature's Guardian now preserves the player's health percentage when its maximum health boosting effect expires.
    • Flame Shock's duration has been increased by 25%.
    • Enhancement
      • Mental Quickness now lowers the cost of shocks by 90% (still lowers the cost of other "beneficial, instant, damaging and totem spells” by 75%).
    • Elemental

      • [*]Shamanism increases Lightning Bolt damage by 70%, up from 50%.

  • Warlock
    • The Imp ability Blood Pact has been removed.
    • Soul Fire damage +22%.
    • Soul Leech now provides an absorption shield instead of healing.
    • Affliction
      • Unstable Affliction’s backlash effect is now always a critical hit and deals approximately 15% more damage.
      • Glyph of Soul Shards has been removed and its effects are now baseline for Affliction Warlocks
    • Demonology
      • Hand of Gul'dan, Shadowflame +15% damage.
    • Destruction
      • Conflagrate and Immolate damage +20%.
      • Incinerate damage +10%.

  • Warrior : Overpower being available at 20 is not part of 5.2 PTR but just a Ghostcrawler tweet, which might be irrelevant by now.
    • Execute now deals 25% less damage.
    • The benefit of Haste from items and consumables has been increased by 50% (down from 100%) for all Warriors. This change is not in the patchnotes but you can see it with Lifeblood on the PTR.
    • Defensive Stance now reduces damage by 15%, down from 25%.
    • Unwavering Sentinel now improves the damage reduction of Defensive Stance by 10% for Protection Warriors.
    • Warbringer now reduces the target's movement by 50% for 15 seconds (8 seconds in PvP), in addition to its other effects. The 3-second stun/knockdown is now in the diminishing returns category for stuns, and not the proc stun diminishing returns category.
    • Arms
      • Taste for Blood has been redesigned. It now causes the Warrior to gain 2 stacks of Overpower (maximum of 5 stacks) when Mortal Strike deals damage, 1 stack when the target dodges, and no longer interacts with Heroic Strike. It now requires level 20, down from level 50.
      • Overpower will cost no rage in Execute range.
      • Slam now deals 220% weapon damage, down from 190%.
      • Overpower now costs 10 rage and reduces Mortal Strike remaining cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
    • Protection
      • The base damage of Shield Slam and Revenge has been increased by 150%, but these abilities now scale approximately 10% less efficiently with attack power.
    • Fury
      • Reduced damage of Bloodthirst and Raging Blow by 10%.
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  • Raids, Dungeons and Scenarios
    • You can now earn bonus reputation for your first dungeon of the day. You can select which reputation you choose to champion by selecting it from the reputation panel on the character screen. When you queue for a dungeon, the UI will remind you which reputation you are championing and allow you to change the reputation from there. (You cannot change that reputation once you are in the dungeon or scenario.)
  • PvP
    • (24s) Balance, Feral, Windwalker, Retribution, Shadow, Enhancement and Elemental now gain 25% of the bonus healing provided by PvP Power, up from 0. Dedicated healers will continue to gain 50% of the bonus healing, and no bonus damage, from PvP Power.
    • PvP trinkets that clear loss-of-control effects will now also clear these effects from the player's pet as well.
    • (24s) For casters and healers, PvP Power is now split evenly between main-hand and off-hand in a manner similar to a dual-wield melee class. There should be no net change for any character already using a main-hand/off-hand combination.

  • Battlegrounds
    • Players in low-level Battlegrounds will have their effective level raised to the maximum level allowed in that Battleground bracket. Players' base stats and spells are scaled accordingly, and are treated as the same level when determining hits, misses, and critical effect chance.
  • Items
    • Transmogrification rules have been broadened for several weapon types.
      • Two-handed axes, maces, and swords can be Transmogrified to each other.
      • One-handed axes, maces, and swords can be Transmogrified to each other.
      • Staves and polearms can be transmogrified to each other.
      • As Izac noted you must be able to use weapon type and equip it in order to transmog

  • UI
    • There is now an option to show absorb effects (such as Power Word: Shield) on player, target, party and raid frames. This feature is currently enabled if you turn on the predictive healing option. Unlike predictive healing, absorb effects will display for enemy targets.

  • Bug Fixes
    • Mac
      • Fixed an issue that would cause command-left-click to occur as right-click while using trackpad functionality.
      • The Logitech LCD applet for G19/G15 keyboards will now launch with the 64-bit client.
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New Items (stats may vary and shields are not available on ptr right now, will leave them on for the moment though) :

  • Flamescarred Draconian Deflector will be the "tank" shield, yielding 6 Stamina 4 Strength and 4 Parry at level 20 and 7 Stamina 4 Strength and 4 Parry at lvl 24 (armor value not yet known)

  • Weathered Observer's Shield shield will be the "caster/healer" shield, yielding 6 Stamina 4 Intellect and 4 Spirit at level 20 and 7 Stamina 4 Intellect and 4 Spirit at lvl 24 (armor value not yet known)

  • Musty Tome of the Lost caster offhand yields 3 intellect 4 stamina and 3 haste at level 20 and 3 intellect, 5 stamina, 3 haste at 24.

Item Changes :

Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge ,Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver, Devout Aurastone Hammer will become a one-handed weapons and thus will be useable in the off-hand slot. It's not considered a unique item so it will be possible to equip 2 of these weapons.

Consumables :

Rumsey Rum Black Label no longer increases stamina
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Just gonna reserve this as well
Hunter: Glyph of Marked for Death has been removed and its effects are now baseline.
Warlocks: Glyph of Soul Shards has been removed and its effects are now baseline for Affliction Warlocks.

Not sure if PvP power changes are really useful in this bracket. There is no PvP power, the only way to get some is (was?) an exploit. Good job anyway !
Everything fixed
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There is a new offhand loom for casters too and it seems loom shields are no longer purchasable since the new build. Hope they'll be back soon.
Also the 2 loom spell maces are both One hand now, instead of Main hand.

Edit: Here is a screenshot I took with the new looms when shields was still purchasable :
French client, but as you can see stats are higher than what WoWDB says.
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Not sure if PvP power changes are really useful in this bracket. There is no PvP power, the only way to get some is (was?) an exploit. Good job anyway !

There is actually still a p2p enchant for cloaks granting 16 PvP Power (this Hunter has it - thanks to CripzBlood for letting me post this) so you might say it still matters to 24s
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Enhance shamans might actually be viable dualwielding 2x caster maces. They lose a little bit of agility, 1 crit, and 1 stam, but the min and max damage are nearly identicle and the speeds are close enough that AP won't make much of a difference. 84 extra spell power would be hella good haha. Imagine it on a 24 with 2x +22int enchants.
Enh doesn't benefit from spell power gear, they changed it way back in 4.2
  • You can now earn bonus reputation for your first dungeon of the day.
The extra rep form dungeons is going to be good for thosse hwo have not got the Ambassador title

[*]Staves and polearms can be transmogrified to each other.
Finally! This has opened loads of new moging oppitunites, also is it still main hand to main hand and off hand to off hand or is that changed now so you can mog main hands just to normal wepeons?
Finally! This has opened loads of new moging oppitunites, also is it still main hand to main hand and off hand to off hand or is that changed now so you can mog main hands just to normal wepeons?

Well, all the loom-weapons will be one handed in 5.2 so they will be completely transmogable.

But one thing about staves and polearms: Can't find Izac's post (it's probably in the thread "5.2") but obviously as long as you can't wear a weapon type you can't transmog it, so to break it to every Mage warlock or priest: you won't be able to transmog. The only Caster who WILL be able to do so is a druid as they can wear polearms
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That's what I wanted to hear :) Does any one know a black polearm so I can start farming for patch?
These are the only polearms available to those at or below level 20 that are available for transmogs.

Just quickly looking at that, the only black, or blackish, polearms is Gargoyles Bite (a very, very, or if you prefer, absurdly, rare BoE drop) and possibly House Wrynn Halberd (if you're alright with red).
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You forgot one of the most important changes to the Monk class for our bracket:

  • Combo Breaker is now a passive ability granted at level 15 that grants a 12% chance to make the Monk's next Blackout Kick or Tiger Palm cost no Chi.
Mages rejoice, you lot are going to make druids on speed pots look silly with the new 5.2 changes , your getting Blazing Speed at level 15 ! !

25 sec cooldown

Suppresses movement slowing effects and increases your movement speed by 150% for 1.5 sec.

This spell may be cast while a cast time spell is in progress and is not on the global cooldown.

  • They reverted the nerf on shadow priest healing and how devouring plague works.
  • Stone Bulwark hp gets buffed !
  • When Hand of Sacrifice is cast by a Retribution Paladin, all harmful magic effects are removed from the party or raid member !
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