Patch 4.3

Clothes are gonna have the most fun. So many RP helms are classed cloth for 1-19. BE Bandit Mask, engin goggles, ruby shades, Battered jungle/LFH etc. The only 4 helms I can see warrs/pallies picking from are hunt shaman plate dps and plate tanking BOA items. Ah well, we'll have to wait and see.
Caulfield said:
Clothes are gonna have the most fun. So many RP helms are classed cloth for 1-19. BE Bandit Mask, engin goggles, ruby shades, Battered jungle/LFH etc. The only 4 helms I can see warrs/pallies picking from are hunt shaman plate dps and plate tanking BOA items. Ah well, we'll have to wait and see.

Hmmm, Belf mask, ruby shades and battered jungle hat aren't cloth, as for as I know.
Only items with stats can be used. If this is indeed usable by low levels. Yay, no more ugly Noble's Robe on most of my characters.
lindenkron said:
Did anyone else check the date to make sure it wasn't 1st of april?

I was like wait a sec my birthday is coming up????

yeah you're not alone.

Ok i read the entire thread and read the patch notes and the released information this is what i gained from that.

Legendaries are flat out, lots of QQ but not something i see much backing down on so lvl 70's no you cannot make your one handed sword look like thunderfury, or your two hander look like rag, sorry.

You will only be able to use skins that YOU have at release, so if you don't have the item you cannot use it. Given the amount off qq in that thread about this and the amount of tickets that people will open about quests long completed and tier gear long ago sharded i seriously doubt that this requirement will remain for very long. More than likely this will be replaced by a requirement that you COULD use the item with a special restriction preventing you from upgrading to a skin that is a higher i lvl than the item you are using. Personally i wonder if at release i will be able to buy mail gear i cannot use due to lvl requirements store it in the void and use it's skins, nothing says this is out, but i think there will be something to prevent it.

you will only be able to change the skin to another skin of the same armor type so plate=plate mail=mail leather=leather and cloth=cloth. Again based on the QQ I think this is another one that will get changed so that hunters/shaman at 85 can use leather skins and Warriors/paladins can use mail skins. Also seems that head slot is a major complaint on this as many of the best looking skins are leather or cloth, we will have to wait and see.

Only items with stats on it will be able to use this process, so no getting those awesome gray or white item skins. I don't think they will rescind this because most of the white/gray items have a green or better counterpart that is available in game.

Also if you cannot use the item you cannot use its skin, this is stated in regards to warlocks using axe skins and the like weather or not it pertains to lvl requirements is not clear, but likely.

Boa's are not mentions and i do not think they will be eligible for transmutation, and if they are it will wipe the change when you send it to another toon, this is a BIG time downer for me as the combination of boas i wear is HIDEOUS but sadly BIS.

Also note the MASSIVE amount of pvpers upset about this, likely there will be a restriction on gear with resil on it, either making it not transable or making pvp gear=pvp skins and pve gear=pve skins.

Please keep in mind that the notes released are rather sketchy and that it will go live in more of a beta form than anything else, most likely they released it in the patch notes simply to steal the thunder form some of the mmo's that are nearing release. Also don't be surprised if it IS NOT released on schedule with patch 4.3.

In the end i personally find this to be of limited use, would love to swap my shoulders helm and chest to some other skin, but they are all boa's, changing my pants and gloves is a nice option but whats the point if everything above my belt still looks like a mess?

This is all based on what i read on the forums and the current blizzard statements on this subject so its basically educated speculation take it with a grain of salt.

If you want boa's to be usable with this process QQ on the forums about it, at this point blizzard is fighting to keep every sub they can in whatever gimmicky fashion they can. Fixing low lvl pvp would work wonders for doing this but hey that's work right?
Arinatintin said:
But wouldnt that mean that i could change my Off hand to match my MH Shadowfang?

If I understand this correctly, this would not be doable unless you have two SFs. The way I see it, you equip the item for looks. Imagine next to each item slot their was another slot for customization. You'd need SF in the custom slot and then whatever item in the actual equipped slot.

Loads of games already do something like this, Rift probably has the best design for it and they also release items that look INSANE but have no stats so people can use them for display only while still maintaining stats on whatever item they have. This helped create a market for white items that look cool and introduced recipes for all professions that made items that look cool, but have no stats. I hope Blizz does the same, would help create a nice 'fashion' niche in the game that people will go crazy over and create a new source of income.

Parfait said:
Only items with stats can be used. If this is indeed usable by low levels. Yay, no more ugly Noble's Robe on most of my characters.

Would a item with just armor be considereed having stats?
curleypwnsu said:
Would a item with just armor be considereed having stats?

That would be awesome as there's some really cool looking starter sets. Like...


Which would rock on my rogue, but I really doubt it. Since people could also run around in tuxes.

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