Pandaraen?!!??!?!?!?!??!! :OOOOO Its pandamonium!


settle down sir, settle down
Given blizzards track record. This class isn't likely until 2 xpacs from now. Bc gave us 2 new races LK gave us a hero class and cata gave us two more races. If things follow suit next xpac will give us another hero class. Unless it's pandarean I don't see this race coming out until 2 xpacs. Just some food for thought.

pandarean could be next hero class if its a brewmaster. would could be a version of a mix of melee and mage iirc cuz in TFT they had like spit alch then ignite and such and also used melee, right?

otherwise we'd start seeing signs of another race to balance it out and idk who that'd be but i guess we'll find out eventually. cant wait for the balancing challenges another hero class would be tho...DKs were only OP for a long ass time and are still really good
which would basically make it another DK with DoTs to modify damage and using melee attacks. so maybe they'd be able to balance it right inline with that and not have it be crazy OP out of the gates and for months following. but who knows
pandas aside why the **** do people bump threads which are already on the first section page

lol censorship, ****ing shit blizzard up in this bitch

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