Pally Viablility

So basically i want to roll a paladin.

If i start i will Perfect him but is it worth it to roll a paladin?

are they any help in the 19 bracket.

can they dps?

Anything about them make them unique from other classes that are more specialized I.E. (priest heals?)

Any advice helps guys, But constructive critisim please.

Paladins are by far the most fun class to play in the 19 bracket. They can fill any role (Healing, FCing, and DPS).

It is worth it. Paladins are awesome.
If you want to 'perfectly' make a pally, just realize that there are a LOT gear options and builds. Every piece of gear you get you can probably enchant it with 3-4 viable enchants, depending on what the situation calls for.

Vegansown, my old GM and paladin extraordinaire, had 4 shadowfangs, 5 gloves, 5 hats (plus spirit goggles), 3 fishing boots, countless weapons/shields/chests/pants, etc. and still always complained about not having all the gear he wanted

They're awesome, though, if you really understand how to play them efficiently. Most pallys I see - and I mean more so than other classes - are terrible. But they can work wonders, both healing and damage.

~A common Fail I see from pallys is them not comprehending that just because you slap on your healing gear doesn't mean you can't do damage anymore. I've seen a ton of '0 damage done' pallys.

Good luck
Like Quara said, no madder the gear type your wearing you'll still be able to do whatever. Just not ass efficiently but still to the point you'll be helpful. (E.G your groups getting their ass kicked better heal in ret gear) but if you plan on FCing go learn the jumps.
No one uses a pally FC nowadays, though.
Quara said:
~A common Fail I see from pallys is them not comprehending that just because you slap on your healing gear doesn't mean you can't do damage anymore. I've seen a ton of '0 damage done' pallys.
Like how I wack people with my staff on my priest or druid? :p

Paladins are very viable. All classes have their place at 19.
veg is the shit, but quara to say that pallys cannot FR anymore isn't wrong..., but they are still one of the best at flag carrying. Their dps is quite nice though you do feel the lack of stuns they have at end game. One of the burstiest dps classes, great clutch healers (i do on mine) and pocket FR's and THEY STILL CAN FC!!!!
Parfait said:
Like how I wack people with my staff on my priest or druid? :p

Paladins are very viable. All classes have their place at 19.

In most pugs I do (I was forced into doing more of the wretched things to get my new priest's trinket) I usually end up about 3-5th place in damage (while keeping everyone I can healed as a first priority of course.) It's amazing how people manage to do it wrong...priests shouldn't be out-dpsing hunters and rogues.

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