Paladin help


ok so i am looking for some help with making a paladin sorry for bad grammar and what not staying up late but more to the point
so first off i would if anyone has a comprehensive guide for leveling up professions for a paladin and how many of each item i need and all that to end up with what i need for professions
and also i am contemplative about what to roll as far as spec for paladin and i was thinking holy or prot not ret would like to fill a different role in reguarding bgs i want to fill more than just providing dps or blindly trying to kill things and i would like to know if holy is good in getting kills and keeping teamates alive and possibly being fc and soloing capabilities my friend who i have convinced to play with me on ap wants me to go prot but i feel it as limiting
so thoughts suggestions all is welcome
oh and also trying to think of a good simple paladin name any suggestions ???:p
Start with Skinning and Leatherworking to create two stacks of Medium Armor Kit ( For future use )
Learn Enchanting. Disenchant the items from Leatherworking. Buy / Loot greens & blues. Enchant your gear. Craft your stacks of scrolls ( I recommend 1 stack of each enchant ) and some stacks of Minor Wizard Oil.
If you want to craft yourself Brilliant Necklace or Thick Bronze Necklace learn Mining and Jewelcrafting. You can buy Scout's Medallion

If your are horde and you don't want/have LFH... Drop Jewelcrafting for Engineering to craft yourself Flying Tiger Goggles . In this case you have to stick with Engi .. but you can keep mining for the Toughness and craf bombs like Rough Copper Bomb, Coarse Dynamite, Small Seaforium Charge ( world drop schematic ). When you have Mining, you can also learn Blacksmithing because you can craft some Rough Sharpening Stone / Rough Weightstone & Coarse Sharpening Stone / Coarse Weightstone for future use. Other options in this case are : Engi + Enchanting for Minor Wizard Oil & Engi + Skinning for Master of Anatomy.

Note ! : Rough Sharpening Stone / Rough Weightstone , Coarse Sharpening Stone / Coarse Weightstone , Minor Wizard Oil give buffs that persist through death.

If you are ally or horde and the headslot it's not a problem anymore, you can drop Engineering and Mining for Alchemy and Herbalism.

Alchemy ( Mixology ) & Herbalism ( Lifeblood and gy flowers for opponents ) are the best choice. You can craft Holy Protection Potion , Elixir of Giant Growth ( 13 strength with Mixology ), Elixir of Minor Fortitude ( 42 hp with Mixology ), Elixir of Wisdom ( 11 intellect with Mixology ), Swiftness Potion (world drop) and Swim Speed Potion ( good for AB ).

Good stuff from vendors : Healing Potion , Lesser Mana Potion and all the Inscription scrolls ( for teammates )

Guides :

Armories :

More info here : Comprehensive Profession Guide for lv20 F2P and here : FAQ - F2P Info and Guides Index

Next Time please ask the question here : QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here! .

Goodluck and Have Fun ! ... Your name will be Quasar ... Soldier of The Light :p
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thank you for the replies and just saying i have searched before posting this the only problem is that when i do search i don't get a straight comparison as to the strengths and weaknesses of each spec and i also don't get a good explanation on the gear for each one i want to be bis but if i do that i would have to roll another toon to get the comparison myself arduous work and why i didn't post in the simple question thingy mabob is cause it seems a little cluttered with junk pardon the expression and i didn't think my question was that simple thank you for the name by the way thor

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