
Hey there Twinkinfo!

I am transfering twinkytoes to Paragon this weekend and I was wondering if anyone had any more suggestions on what I should bring. So far I have:

500+ Rumsey Rum

200+ Bandages

Recipe: Swiftness Potion (for cash)

Working on 300g.

If you can think of anything else I should get, please feel free to tell me. You may armory me aswell. One question, should I spend extra time today and tomorrow grinding heroics for BoAs or is it not worth it?
Twinkytoes said:

Looks like you're rerolling one then if you want BoAs, more rumsey, and more bandages. Unless you got friends who can supply all that crap.
Twinkytoes said:
Hey there Twinkinfo!

I am transfering twinkytoes to Paragon this weekend and I was wondering if anyone had any more suggestions on what I should bring. So far I have:

500+ Rumsey Rum

200+ Bandages

Recipe: Swiftness Potion (for cash)

Working on 300g.

If you can think of anything else I should get, please feel free to tell me. You may armory me aswell. One question, should I spend extra time today and tomorrow grinding heroics for BoAs or is it not worth it?

all the scroll enchants of agility for when the cataclysm prepatch comes out and yes get boas.
builtokill said:
why don't you xfer your 80? If you can only take 1, leave twinkytoes behind and just make him again.. not like you have your fishing hat :( or anything...

I guess. :S But I want to take Twinkytoes alone. Personal reasons.
Just make sure you bring a toothbrush and a clean pair of undies.
No twinky don't transfer away from cyclone, If I come back who will I play with?
Don't waste bag space on rumsey, if you already have a guild to transfer too they should have rumsey fully stocked in their Bank. Some guilds supply bandages and consumables as well, find out in advance. I would convert money into abyss crystals, frozen orbs, or uncut epic gems (or anything else that sells easily) so you have a way to fund yourself when you get there and becuase these items sell quickly you can get around the 300 gold limit.
Bring over items yea, and stack up gear that you might need. And when i xfer i always asks the guild if anyone could use anything you own on your server.
Try to get some Scrolls of the most needed enchants to take with you. Can easily make more than what g you could bring over. Also I like to take some of the harder and more sought after mats. i.e Breath of Wind and Orbs from strath.. Just my opinion though

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