Pack your things! The PTR is up!

jesus what is up with this, anyone tried opening a ticket with a GM or anything
So everyone already give up on the PTR thing? ^^.. logged onto that Brill server (EU) both ally and horde and not a single 19 in site xD
Ive copied my character and then run the PTR installer but i keep getting an error message saying "The installer does not need to be applied. It requires a version of "Wow.exe" older than, but you already have version" Anyone wanna give me a direct link to the latest ptr installer or tell me what im doing wrong?

edit: got it working, halfway downloaded. add my sham to the list sax
kablam said:
Ive copied my character and then run the PTR installer but i keep getting an error message saying "The installer does not need to be applied. It requires a version of "Wow.exe" older than, but you already have version" Anyone wanna give me a direct link to the latest ptr installer or tell me what im doing wrong?

Delete your current PTR and install the one directly off the site.
BUMP looking for an EU player to test if they can get on BRILL EU this time aroudn for the 4.3 ptr!! thanks

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