p2ps can now invite f2ps crossrealm(not only your own f2ps)


hey, sorry if you guys alrdy know it (didnt read the whole wod changes for f2ps thread) but youre now able to invite any f2p (not only your own) with a random p2p character.
example: your p2p is on stormscale and the f2ps you wanna invite are on aggramar, just type /inv Player-aggramar
have fun
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hey, sorry if you guys alrdy know it (havent read the whole wod changes for f2ps thread) but youre now able to invite any f2p (not only your own) with a random p2p character.
example: your p2p is on stormscale and the f2ps you wanna invite are on aggramar, just type /inv Player-aggramar
have fun

So just to clarify, this is the exact opposite of the way it was in MoP, correct?

We could invite our own F2Ps but not other people's then.
well im sure you can still invite your own f2p aswell, but yes you can now invite other f2p chars who arent on the same realm as you are(but ofc you have to be a p2p)
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The way it worked in MoP allowed you to invite f2p's from the same server or the servers that was linked to the same CRZ. Inviting a f2p from any realm other than those would result in an instant decline. I'm not sure if this still is the case though.
The way it worked in MoP allowed you to invite f2p's from the same server or the servers that was linked to the same CRZ. Inviting a f2p from any realm other than those would result in an instant decline. I'm not sure if this still is the case though.

i was bored and tried to invite a f2p friend (i also expected to get get an instant decline)but it worked ... to be sure i did it with 2-3 other f2ps from other realms and it worked every time (my p2p is on dunemaul and i invited ppl from aggramar and destromath)
huh, interesting, i tried it a week ago and it didnt work. tried only once tho. anyway, if this is the case, im really happy i finished my 2nd agm today :-D
I just tried it with my own linked F2P and it worked. Wow, that's absolutely amazing. Thank you for finding this. This should make Xrealm grouping a cinch with only 1 P2P account.
strange, i did it from dunemaul (en) to aggramar(en) and destromath(german), they are 100% not connected so might only work for a few realms?
It's always been possible to invite cross realm. Just use your P2P friend list. Make a level 1 on the F2P realm, invite the F2P. Invite the P2P through battle tag. Swap lead and make new level 1s as required,
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Maybe you need WoD on your main? Weird thing maybe but it's working for my two friends with 100s, and not for me with my 90.
Doesn't work. Aggramar must be cross realmed with Dunemaul or something if it works.

And I hope you're not inviting your linked f2ps. It's "always" been possible to invite linked toons.

No, my p2p and f2p are not linked, they're attached to different battle.net accounts.

Dunemaul and Aggramar are not crossrealmed. The twink gets phased to Dunemaul after getting the invitation.

First I tried a random german realm and failed. Then tried another english realm, failed again. However, Dunemaul worked.
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No, my p2p and f2p are not linked, they're attached to different battle.net accounts.

Dunemaul and Aggramar are not crossrealmed. The twink gets phased to Dunemaul after getting the invitation.

First I tried a random german realm and failed. Then tried another english realm, failed again. However, Dunemaul worked.

Yeah, you're right. I tried the Dunemaul Aggramar pair now and it works. Weird cuz it only seems to be working for this pair.

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