p2p 20's to 24's.

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I agree.
I have to disagree with this sentiment pretty strongly. To say that F2Ps play at a disadvantage would be to define 20 P2Ps as the norm, and the F2P is at the disadvantage compared to that. The reality is, the F2P is the by-far-overwhelming and defining majority in the bracket, and as such the F2Ps are the norm, and the P2P 20 who does not play by the norm is the one taking the advantage.

As much as I despise 24's and twinked out p2p 20's, I don't think this is correct at all. Playing at a disadvantage has absolutely nothing to do with how many p2p compared to f2p accounts there are, it's about the fact that f2p accounts have restrictions that put them at a disadvantage.
It's a matter of perspective. From one point of view, the F2Ps are at a disadvantage compared to the P2Ps. From the reverse point of view, the P2Ps have an advantage over the F2Ps. Two sides of the same coin.

My point was, of the two divisions, the F2Ps -far- outnumber the P2Ps, and therefore it makes the most sense to see them as the norm, by which the P2Ps in comparison have the advantage. An advantage they -choose- to take or not take, depending on how important it is to them to either play nice in the sandbox, or kick sand in people's faces.
Without level 20 free to play's, the 20-24 bracket would have 3 hour queues, and need to resort to using the Battleground thread in the WOW forums to plan WSG or AB matches. Just like it is now in the other brackets.

If the queue times are so good in the other brackets, why not make a twink in the other 10 pvp brackets?

OP - I have no issue with people using any BOA gear, including helms. After all, the Commanders Eyepatch is BETTER than the BOA gear at 20, and there is no equivalent horde side.
If someone chooses to put +15 agi on their wpn I don't see that as a personal affront (a.k.a. sand kicked in da face).

If someone chooses to level to 24 and lock xp I do not see that as a personal affront.

Both things surely will not get you in the f2p hall of fame but they're not anything big on the naughty meter.

It someone tells someone else "Hey - I don't like your gear/level/enchants/face so now we are in a big fight" I see that as arrogant and police-y.

I choose to focus on having fun with the folks I roll with and avoid the negativos.

Back @ OP - as you can tell by the lively discussion you may find some mild opposition from your decisions to gear outside of the f2p "norm" but I invite you to stand on your own and find out for yourself. We few that post here on AP are the minority of f2p despite our awesomeness (or big mouths/egos). It's hard work being this pretty. So pretty.
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