P2P 20-24 List

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Hey im starting up a rogue i want to be alliance, im thinking starting on Ali and staying unless theres horde Gear needed for bis, then i'll start horde and switch alli, is there any horde gear i need?

There is a few items cant think off the top of my head, one being Outlaw saber from BFD horde quest.
Heya! I am kinda new to the 24 bracket. I just finished the basics of my first 24 Prot FC Warrior. And I am working on a WW Monk now. I can't server xfer as I do not have the funds for it quiet yet. But I'd be down for some premades. Add my battletag Anuel#1194. As a side note. I only play horde atm.

P.S. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong thread. I can't find a thread to post this in. :x
NOTICE- I will be removing some people soon. If I feel like you haven't spent enough time or put in the effort you will be removed from the list and not added back until you have made changes. From now on I will be reviewing twinks before adding to the list. I don't want to be giving people who are looking for help bad ideas. Sorry if you find this an inconvenience.
Jumpkick @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Windwalker
Tehdrunktank @ Turalyon - Community - World of Warcraft Brewmaster
Luckfiberal @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Subtlety
Akfortysevin @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Assassination
Corruptiøn @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Assassination
Efckiller @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Subtlety
Asane @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Subtlety
Jäß @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Subtlety / Assassination
Curlex @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Subtlety
Laurasìa @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Discipline
Healnomore @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Discipline
Sieth @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Shadow
Swagshocks @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Holy
Cadi @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Holy
Dueprøcess @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Protection
Mÿrm @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft - Holy
Hunter -
Gredo @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft - Survival
Bobswaget @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft - Survival
Huntsya @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Survival
Warrior -
Killnomore @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft - Protection
Fontain @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Arms / Protection
Kharginqt @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Protection
Warlock -
Wolawk @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft - Destruction
Dotßot @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft - Destruction
Shaman -
Räzzledazzle @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Enhancement (zomg)
Jukedyo @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Restoration / Elemental
Druid -
Firn @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Restoration
Chasemytail @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Balance / Restoration
Boomyo @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Balance
Wesleyswipez @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Feral
Skankreturns @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft Feral
Tßäg @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Feral
Pizzà @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Balance
Zeiwen @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Balance
Cãmo @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Restoration
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/turalyon/Ftpkiller/simple Balance
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Jumpkick - needs better rings, trinkets, no boa helm or legs
Tehdrunktank - missing trinkets

I stopped at your first 2 on the list. There is a notice to stop trying to add people who haven't taken the time to gear up.
Jumpkick - needs better rings, trinkets, no boa helm or legs
Tehdrunktank - missing trinkets

I stopped at your first 2 on the list. There is a notice to stop trying to add people who haven't taken the time to gear up.

People actually have alts nowadays, bro. and there are also different sets. Granted, little excuse for an argas, but jalin's is equivalent to a monkey CG anyway, so stop being a forum douche.
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