P2P 20-24 List


20-24 list (EU)

(A) Darhixd <Pïmp My TwinK> Exodar
(A) (20) Juked Silvermoon
(A) Slacknul <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Snaçk <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Supertruper <Superettan> Draenor
(A) Tíngly <The Twink Alliance> Sylvanas

(H) Artó <Dreamcast> Draenor
(H) Bobmauly <Same Score Different Day> Aggramar
(H) Brutalburztz <Echoes> Laughing Skull
(H) Deidu Draenor
(H) (20) Deó Aggramar
(H) Excuse Agamaggan
(H) Goare <WTB HOTSHOTS PILOTS> Draenor - Teemo#2653
(H) Jucmezz <Same Score Different Day> Aggramar
(H) Synthåx <Dreamcast> Draenor
(H) Tacks <TbaggerZ> Darkspear

(A) Arielda <Limitless> Darkspear
(A) Colorvanilla <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Swagqtyoloxd <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Yndigone <Freefall> Grim Batol

(H) Communist <Dreamcast> Draenor
(H) Gippy <Gardarika> Razuvious
(H) (22) Huntomatic <WTB HOT SHOTS> Draenor
(H) Kevtre <The seekers> Aszune
(H) (22) Mesikämmën Draenor
(H) (22) Tokon <TbaggerZ> Darkspear

(A) Crwlas <The Exiled> Sylvanas
(A) Dreämy <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Hastedoris <Funk You Up> Outland
(A) Máo <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Skin <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Snowcream <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Trickynick <Twinks of the Alliance> Sylvanas

(H) Éón <Old Habits Die Hard> Draenor
(H) Fingz <Solace> Defias Brotherhood
(H) Geeraa <Insanity> Dunemaul
(H) Sinarura <Red Moon> Argent Dawn

(A) Colormonkey <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Cornqt <Gurubashi Surf Squad> Ravencrest
(A) Gløsscannon<SORRY FOR CAPSLOCK> Sporeggar
(A) Guild <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Icÿ <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) (29) Talk Ravencrest
(A) Twerkix <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Yobam <Bitte Spitte> Aegwynn

(H) Éoss <Better Luck Next Time>
(H) Hódor <Dreamcast> Draenor
(H) Hunoo<Same Score Different Day> Aggramar
(H) Whatgoesmoo Draenor
(H) Ska <TbaggerZ> Darkspear

(A) Îcy <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Lightwalker <A New Dawn> Eonar
(A) Niormisz <skyrim> Magtheridon
(A) Tankandspank <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest

(H) Абсорбчик <Гардарика> Razuvious
(H) (20) Exospam <Brutal Noodles> Neptulon
(H) Healytwink <Brotherhood> Sargeras
(H) Imnot <E T Phone Gnome> Draenor
(H) Mooraige <Warsong Howlers> Laughing Skull
(H) Pwnadin <Anabolika Twinks> Lordaeron
(H) Roophus <TbaggerZ> Darkspear

(A) Anafie <Venom> Magtheridon
(A) Bofir <Twinks of the Alliance> Sylvanas
(A) Coloredge <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Dìsco <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Eltaco <Ultimate Guardians> Kilrogg
(A) Fabbc <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Gogovo <The Unique Stars> Blade's Edge
(A) Gremsprick <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Immvplol Ravencrest
(A) Justkidding <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencres
(A) Yndibeard <SURRENDER AT TWENTY NERD> Grim Batol
(A) Varjohomo <GG Aesthetics Crew> The Maelstrom
(A) Vigilo <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest

(H) Badnews <Der Atem des Phönix> Gilneas
(H) Elosius <Oceans Twenty Four> The Maelstrom
(H) Harrydotter <Better Luck Next Time> Draenor
(H) Milkymoousse <WeOwnYourFace> Laughing Skull
(H) Pórtvakten <The One Man> Frostwhisper
(H) Psyrus <Dreamcast> Draenor
(H) Råtten Burning Blade
(H) Ronjeremyirl <The Masquerade> Draenor
(H) Shaerani <NERF TRIALS> Stormscale
(H) Solizat <Same Score Different Day> Aggramar
(H) Wyuded <Somalian Pirate Crew> Stormscale

(A) Baviee <Wonderland> Bronze Dragonflight
(A) (20) Cimcia <horse men of chitulu> Burning Legion
(A) Cornesso <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) (20) Darklaw <A New Dawn> Eonar
(A) Dethtic <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Drëamy <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Ephemeral <Rumsey> Exodar
(A) Fabbxo <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Inyourfacce <plays naked> Aegwynn
(A) Kazkier <Shaolin Warriors> Ghostlands
(A) Olken <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Sueco <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) (20) Sÿgneia <Pïmp My TwinK> Exodar
(A) Roguefocker <Slackers Headquarter> Bladefist
(A) Runesoul <A New Dawn> Eonar
(A) Zaoke <Queueing Is The Best Bit> Aszune
(A) Belyychay <Storm Legion Tidefury> Deathweaver

(H) Arty <NERF TRIALS> Stormscale
(H) (20) Backtap <NIGHTMARE Paragon> Twisting Nether
(H) Dethtic <Somalian Pirate Crew> Stormscale
(H) (22) Diestö <Same Score Different Day> Aggramar
(H) Doped <Cold Logic> Aggramar
(H) Faenisia <WTB HOT SHOTS> Draenor
(H) (21) Freckles Draenor
(H) Ídontcare Auchindoun
(H) Ichrinitas <The Spankerz> Khadgar
(H) Juns <Same Score Different Day> Aggramar
(H) Keeltor <Killing Squad> - Dunemaul
(H) Kuronokei <UC Maintenance> Mannoroth
(H) (20) Maasika Ravencrest
(H) Reptor <TbaggerZ> Darkspear
(H) (20) Rosimegue Draenor
(H) Sfritz <Banana Hammock> Laughing Skull
(H) Zirano <Crimson Dawn> Mazrigos

(A) Custardcream <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Inyoourface <Pandamania> Aegwynn
(A) Yndianajones <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest

(H) Paranøíd <THE TWINK EFFECT> Anub'arak - Matzi#2200

(A) Destrolock <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest

(H) Eridots <WTB Hotshot Pilots> Draenor
(H) Kíri <Nous Sommes Les Meilleur> Burning Steppes
(H) Løckie <Same Score Different Day> Aggramar
(H) Paranøïd <THE TWINK EFFECT> Anub'arak - Matzi#2200
(H) (20) Veyron Draenor

(A) Dzhoin <Pantry> Eversong
(A) Fekket <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Raiderz <Om Nom Rum> Draenor
(A) Snackqt <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest
(A) Sybb <Gurubashi Surf Club> Ravencrest

(H) Möbbaren <Warlords of Hell> Stormreaver
(H) Ortossi <Better Luck Next Time> Draenor
(H) Paranoìd <THE TWINK EFFECT> Anub'arak - Matzi#2200
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Re: 24 list (EU)

Stuck, thanks for updating and to Deathjames for the older version here (closed now). :)
Thanks for this thread Kilda. If you want to list more of my characters i guess you know who they are in <Nous Sommes Les Meilleur>, <Bloodthirsty Fan Club> and <Free To Play Police> (you could list all the 20-24 twinks in it if you like, we have no objection), anyway good job :p
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Thanks a lot guys, I would also like people to name the 20-24s who you notice in the battle grounds too (for good reasons of course) :)

p.s the list will be edited after 7pm GMT most days
Honestly this should just be one thread with both US and EU. US thread is never updated and the gearing is far off.
Maybe the people who want can have theyr battletag after theyr name in the list? So people could add eachother?
I think it's necessary to have 2 separate threads, as I don't think any one person will want to keep updates on both continents.

All you need to do is update the US version the same way I have done here.

good idea Fuzzie, I'll add that in the first post later :)
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