Open 3v3 Tournament - 14th of November


fastest shadowstep in the west
Open Level 70 Twink 3v3 Tournament
Taking place 14th of November. Streamed live on the 70 League twitch channel.

Team Rules:
  • Brutal gear only (read more below)
  • Comps are limited to 1 melee specialization - no further restrictions
  • Each team may consist of 3-4 players
  • Each player may bring 2 classes
  • Teams can freely switch between players after every game
  • Players can freely switch between classes and specializations after every game, as long as they stay within the comp limitations
  • All player/class/spec swaps are made completely blind, meaning each team will lock in their choices before seeing swaps from the enemy team

The tournament format will be decided once we get an idea of how many teams are showing.

How do I sign up?
Just post in this thread. Make sure to mention who your 3 or 4 players are and what classes they will be bringing. You can use the format below:

<Team Name>
Player1 - class1 - class2
Player2 - class1 - class2
Player3 - class1 - class2
Player4 - class1 - class2 (optional)

What time is the tournament starting?
20:00 european realm time (CEST)

When is the deadline for signing up?
3 hours before the tournament starts. But please sign up as early as possible, it helps attract even more teams.

Are there any prizes for the winners?
Yes. Currently we have an [Eye of the Legion] TCG pet (easy 50k+ gold worth) for the first place team. If you want to contribute to the prizepool it would be much appreciated!

I want to join but I don't have a team. What to do?
Let us know! Post in this thread stating your faction and playable classes, and we might be able to put you on a team.

I have more questions!
No problem, just ask here in the thread or add one of the three tournament organizers below:
Onlydreams / Complex - Sall#2989
Fx / Scoot - Scootaloo#2244
Raz - Razugal#2584

Gear Restrictions:
We have decided to limit the gear of all participants to both extend the duration of games by reducing damage outputs and make the tournament more accessible to new twinks.
The gear you can use depends on the class and spec you are playing and will consist of only vendor items (honor vendor in Stormwind/Orgrimmar and gold vendor in Shattrath). Since monks don't have a brutal set they have been given a set with similar stats that can also be bought from vendors.

The specific sets for each class/spec can be found here
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Signed teams:

<Can't Play Endgame>
Riplol - Priest - Hunter
Culto - Priest - Hunter
Danny - Death Knight
Raz - Rogue

<No Team Name>
Ratchet - Priest
Cyanerdx - Rogue - Mage
Aswog - Mage - Priest

<Tryhards United>
Fx - Priest - Mage
Toklo - Shaman - Rogue
Civex - Druid - Hunter
Roxxess - Monk - Warlock

Onlydreams - Rogue - Hunter
Gucciyo - Mage - Priest
Rngmonster - Mage - Warlock
Yalra - Priest
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Meh i guess ill just go ahead and sign up without a team.

Horde - warlock(demo-destro) - druid(boomie-restro) - rogue(combat-assas)
ally - mage(fire-arcane)

you can put me on any team as any of the following. dont care what i play i just wanna join.
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havent made team name yet, but this is gonna be the rooster

Ratchet - Priest
Cyanerdx - Rogue/Mage
Aswog - Mage/Priest
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No comment. It's just sad. 70 will fall down cuz of people which can't come on a 3-4 week planed event.
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i wasnt there cuz my cat died :(

Your poor cats are dying every month. In September your cat died. In october your cat died and Now again. What is wrong with you ?? Are u raping cats cuz u can't get a Girl ?
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Your poor cats are dying every month. In September your cat died. In october your cat died and Now again. What is wrong with you ?? Are u raping cats cuz u can't get a Girl ?

Haha actually said ''oh shit!'' out loud when reading that.

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