Onlydreams 3 | 70 Hunter PvP video


fastest shadowstep in the west
Hello everyone :)
Here's my third major video, Onlydreams 3, a showcase of level 70 hunter PvP.

This time around I've included some battleground clips as well. (Mainly because there was a break in between seasons while I was recording for this.)

You can probably tell from the date of some of the clips that I started working on this quite a while ago. However, I've been slacking with the editing and now finally got around to finishing it.
The first 6 minutes of the video is recorded in 5.3, and the arena games played, were played at around 2200-2400 MMR.

As always, I'm looking for feedback on how to improve my gameplay and editing, so feel free to leave yours in the comments, or on the Twinkinfo thread.
Do try to keep it constructive though. ;p

I hope you enjoy watching.

Onlydreams 3 | 70 Hunter PvP - YouTube

(Track - Artist)
1. Legacy - Nicky Romera & Krewella
2. Avare - Fractal
3. Full Force - Rameses B
4. Endorphins - Sub Focus & Alex Clare
5. Let You Go - Artificial Intelligence & Tiki
6. Keep Your Secrets in Midnight City - Kill Paris

Less than two monkeys were harmed during the making of this video.
Priests! so many of em, only thing i can criticise is that! play with something other than a disco priest, it makes me sad

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