Only few races able to get to the XP turn off guy at level 1?

Here is my problem. I created 2 level 1 Hunter twinks before they gave them pets. As you all know that means my 2 twinks have to pets to call. I opened several tickets and I was told I would either have to level them to 10 to tame pets or delete and create new toons. The problem is one twink is a Night Elf and the other is Blood Elf. With the graveyard walking fixed I don't think there is anyway to get to the xp turn off guy without levelling to to 2 or 3.

So far I know Human's and Gnomes are able to get to the xp turn off guy without dinging. What about the other races? I want to replace those two hunter twinks but I need something other than gnomes and humans. What other races can I use?

Ok. Thanks. The problem with summons is usually when I make new level 1 twinks its usually not on my home server. I am capped on my home server like everyone else.I usually just roll a dk and level him a bit so I can send the 10 gold to the level 1. Anyone knows the races that can now make it to the xp off guy without a summons. I can only think of 2.
troll, orc, undead, bloodelf, tauren, human, nightelf, goblin, dwarf, worgen

i think dreanni get too much xp from going to teldrassil then to SW. worgen requires a terrain exploit and all the rest can be done by walking there
every single race in the game can walk to the 2nd town they encounter questing, grab the FP for free to their races main city...then take whatever transport is available to the capital city without leveling (except for Goblin and Worgen cause blizz sucks and so does Augerecasa

Have Group Will Travel, Mage port, and Lock summons are easy too
Well.. worgen can make it with exploiting out of the area, and goblin im currently working on with a certain hack..

I'll update if I can get out with hacks, and then without them

Well.. worgen can make it with exploiting out of the area, and goblin im currently working on with a certain hack..

I'll update if I can get out with hacks, and then without them


Ask a GM to do it, as Bon. ^ ^
I made it to SW as a night elf. Took flight from dolanaar to rutheran village (the one with the portal outside), boat to stormwind. Only 400xp gained in total. Enjoy.

You are joking right? 400xp would level you. As Chubs said, all races (excluding Goblin and Worgen) can run to the 2nd town, take the flight path to the main city. From there you can get a Mage port or take a boat / zeppelin.
Thanks for the info. I am going to create some toons and part them next to the xp off guy. Just in case someday Blizzard makes it impossible to get a level one there without dinging.

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