ONESHOT- Update Vid

I don't want to hate for the sake of hating, but I want to see video's of the classes/specs that are hard to play. If at 90 you don't play BM it might be more interesting than just popping zoo of death macro.

I know there are very skilled hunters out there, but they are such a forgiving classes at low levels that you can play them badly and still have a good chance of winning.

I think it has something to do with the more you jump and do flips the greater your chance of winning.
Not to be offensive but some little comments from my side;

- If I'm not mistaken there is already a 'F2P Video' esque style thread, in which this type of video goes.

- In all honesty both of the 'fights' featured in the video look like any other fight in any other "faceroll" battleground, there's nothing special about them.

- Appears to be slightly on the laggy side in render, not sure if there's anything you could do about that.

So yeah, just some criticism. Follow your dreams - if you want to make videos, keep making videos, you'll improve and hell - maybe you'll get some kind of fan-base if everything goes well.
Don't let people talk you out of making videos, like I said, you'll improve. But maybe avoid making entire threads about them, that may prevent you from getting shot down so much.

A hunter who maybe will start recording some things... *maybe*.
Pretty good video giving 8.5/10
+ Nice music
+ Editing
+ I was entertained for whole 35 seconds
+ Plays nonfotm class and still stomps everyone
+ Bandicam logo

- Intro might have been too long
- Needs more action
- Not enough fps , fix that

i came in here expecting a swifty-esque "one shot macro" for f2p


0/10 severely disappointed

ban this kid

nah jokes

nah i mean it srsly ban him
???? this video was an Update vid, i just wanted to put some pvp clips to make it interesting..... and i didnt put swifty oneshot macro for f2ps in the title.
Pretty good video giving 8.5/10
+ Nice music
+ Editing
+ I was entertained for whole 35 seconds
+ Plays nonfotm class and still stomps everyone
+ Bandicam logo

- Intro might have been too long
- Needs more action
- Not enough fps , fix that

Thanks man ;) and this was a 'real video' it was rush though, in my PvP vids there will be more action, but i can do anything with the f2p :( its the comp and slow internet..... Thanks for the feedback man.
Not to be offensive but some little comments from my side;

- If I'm not mistaken there is already a 'F2P Video' esque style thread, in which this type of video goes.

- In all honesty both of the 'fights' featured in the video look like any other fight in any other "faceroll" battleground, there's nothing special about them.

- Appears to be slightly on the laggy side in render, not sure if there's anything you could do about that.

So yeah, just some criticism. Follow your dreams - if you want to make videos, keep making videos, you'll improve and hell - maybe you'll get some kind of fan-base if everything goes well.
Don't let people talk you out of making videos, like I said, you'll improve. But maybe avoid making entire threads about them, that may prevent you from getting shot down so much.

A hunter who maybe will start recording some things... *maybe*.

Thanks ;) and ill try to get more interesting fights, its hard to find those good players, since hunter is the most op class, I can basically 1v2 most classes ;) And your right no more threads about them lol.
i like my hunter class, and i dont like playing other classes

The main problem you will always have as a low level hunter is very few will take your pvp videos serious when the odds are stacked in your favor to start with. Would you still play an hunter if you had to stand still while casting and didn't have auto shot while moving like other ranged?

I play a prot pally and everyone sees that as a talent less spec as well because you can just mash buttons and win against some specs.
damn did i tell you to watch it?
By puttiing your video on TI and making a thread for it you ask people to watch and evaluate it.
Video is badly edited, horrible FPS, shows nothin interesting. If you want to take something interesting from f2p hunter try:
1)spying and commanding your team on AB with eagle eye
2)getting those nasty rogues out of stealth before they kill your FC with 10 stacks
3)kiting 2+ people at once
4)some nice disengaging from cliffs or at the bottom of a cliff to avoid falling damage
In other words: video sucks.

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