Oneshot is ?

Scoreboard doesn't matter. Dealing as much damage as possible doesn't matter if you aren't focusing your damage on the same target that your teammates are focusing. Focused damage is better than spread damage.

Same goes for healing. Just because you aren't the top healing done, doesn't mean you are less of a healer than the person above you. Only heal when you need to, help out on CCing and off-dps.

EDIT: going off of your last video, gonna name off the first few things I see.

You need a lot more practice backstrafing.
You either need to hide your teammates UI-healthbars or move bg targets to the right of your screen. You're missing a huge chunk of your visibility with how it is set up.
Tab targets, don't click. It's faster and easier.
Less recordings of you fighting bots.
Disengaging when you don't need to. Just wasting a good CD. Any good player would take advantage of the fact you use it when you don't need to.
You click way too much, you are actually clicking abilities which that alone puts you way down the list of being good.
For the most part, i didn't catch you backpeddling.
Your choices in pets goes to show what you are comfortable fighting against. Your play style is easy to beat, your reaction time is very slow compared to others. Not necessarily bad, but your the average hunter.

For a hunter, you are average at best. But far from best. I'd say you could hit 1.8k in arena. But there's so much room for improvement...I don't think I even touched on half of the things that could be improved.

Best of luck to your hunter.
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Scoreboard doesn't matter. Dealing as much damage as possible doesn't matter if you aren't focusing your damage on the same target that your teammates are focusing. Focused damage is better than spread damage.

Same goes for healing. Just because you aren't the top healing done, doesn't mean you are less of a healer than the person above you. Only heal when you need to, help out on CCing and off-dps.

EDIT: going off of your last video, gonna name off the first few things I see.

You need a lot more practice backstrafing.
You either need to hide your teammates UI-healthbars or move bg targets to the right of your screen. You're missing a huge chunk of your visibility with how it is set up.
Tab targets, don't click. It's faster and easier.
Less recordings of you fighting bots.
Disengaging when you don't need to. Just wasting a good CD. Any good player would take advantage of the fact you use it when you don't need to.
You click way too much, you are actually clicking abilities which that alone puts you way down the list of being good.
For the most part, i didn't catch you backpeddling.
Your choices in pets goes to show what you are comfortable fighting against. Your play style is easy to beat, your reaction time is very slow compared to others. Not necessarily bad, but your the average hunter.

For a hunter, you are average at best. But far from best. I'd say you could hit 1.8k in arena. But there's so much room for improvement...I don't think I even touched on half of the things that could be improved.

Best of luck to your hunter.
i agree with you 8/10 i dont click targets i Tab, i click the focus target.
And ill fix my UI and work on the being faster. Thank's
i use tab on as one of my keybinds what did it do as in how can i reassign it in my keybind menu and possibly use as a mouse button?(not the clik buttons like my side buttons (razor))

Tab per default is:
Targetting Functions - Target Nearest Enemy

you might also consider "Target Nearest Enemy Player". so you don't target hunter/warlock pets or shaman totems.

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