EU+US One's Big List of Battletags

Royanz level 1 twink rogue
Level 1 twink guild : liféless
Battletag : Royanz#2390
Server name EU : Bronzebeard
Lvl1 palli
Guild ; Twinks of Azeroth
BTAG: Confusing#1900
Overgeared, Korgath-Horde (US), Rogue
Ill be adding everyone on this list that is still active on TI, as the twinking scene in general is dead on my realm.
updated...i believe it's all correct now
Seems like this thread has been dead for a while, but I'll add my battle tag anyway!

Battletag: Jolley#2457
Playing level 1 Hunter, Rogue, Monk and Warlock on Bronze Dragonflight EU Alliance.
US :

Allybeboba: FoMoCoMan#1460

Arberian021 : Arberian#2370

Arkchangle (Kristhoper) : Arkchangle#1104

Atwanta: Kevikev#1538

Axia : Axia#1345

Beastzen : Beaszten#1381

Bigheals : Criarix#1551

Buckelf : Buckley#1921

Buckeye : Jbeezy#1800

Chap : Chap#1944

Chrij23 : superchris#1738

Cigarette : illidari#1748

Clivney : Mike#1457

Cope : Cope#1717

Cosmo : Cosmologico#1487

Daltert Moropi :MoropiDSJoe#1767

Deadlyturtle : Thugwaffle#1302

Deej : Deeej#1879

Delayed : Delayed#1508

Domunique : Domunique#1964

Dragonsblood : Dragondreamz#1209

Drinker : Omaha#1317

Elffies : john#13109

Eniopaladin : Enio#2321

Epichealtime : Epichealtime#1248

ETShaman: Sparkcat#1885

Fael : Fael#1823

Falren - Aerie Peak : bamboozaler#1801

Fatbellyzz : Phatbelleh#1959.

Felix : Felix#1189

Flynn : Flynn#1189

GôkkÜ : PlebLord#1769

Haraf : Thrall#14569

Hobbes : Bean#2284

Honey badger : Honeybadger#1754

Hue : hue#1277

Irrational: calc#1415 (F2P) / calc#1158 (P2P)

IttyBitty : ittybitty#1647

Izac : Izachahacool#1880

Jivechoirboy : Jivechoirboy#1275

Jollyhollow : Warriorboy#1678

Kearbear : Tklite#1445

Kí Drakkari : OswRamsesHyA#1176


Lalonanana : Lalonana#1141

Lankypuss : Lankypuss#1865

Ledu : Ledu#1547

Leek : Enragleek#1409

LennywBoreanTundra : LentjanPjeci#1543

Livingforce : Livingforce#1899

Lluyd : ephlol#1758 (F2P) / tommybird#6485 (P2P)

Lxxandrewxxl : AndresCS#1418

Metro : Tex#1919

MrCer : Mrcer#1372

Neon : Neon#1111

Nidza : Nidza#1780

Noobinit : Noobinit#1510

Perksole : Perksolo#1549

Phrontistery : Phroncatf2p#1842

Playdope : Playdope#1575

Pooh : Pändaren#1319

Purple : Co0per#1842

Ragnaeus : Wraegoth#2199

Recharged : Choforo#1341

Resto : Resto#1169

Rhaellia : Rhaebread#1739

Riptides : Sashagrey#6969

Roboartist : Mock15halo#1658 (P2P-F2Pw/Restrictions)

Roudy : imreallybad#1279

Shai the Panda : shaithepanda#1275

Shft : Neilhoney#1464

Sliñgblàdè : Halfion#1439

Smoke : Smokê#1506

Snowjobs(Bend) : bendandcough#1653

ßurg : Burg#1313

Suntosh : Suntosh#1738

Swiftaco/Sexy : arcade99#1599

Syrayeda : jkoh#1249

Tacowarrior : Tacowarrior#1445 (F2P) / Sothe14#1870 (P2P)

Tence : Tence#1950

TheFupaKing : TheFupaKing#1356

Timeforsaper/Giveushield Spartacus#11815

Tuna : deltuna#1890

UbexHBD : UbexHD#1292

Watergun : geo#1671

Waterworks : jpotts#1893

Xvxdeath : James#12454

Yak : Yak#1964

Zarastelle : Zarastelle#1350

EU :

Alkazar : Alkazar#2306

AntiStealth : Gumqt#2326

Bankmasta : Lolwhat#2257

Beelzenor : Beelzenor#2193

Billymáys : Billymays#2164 (F2P) /Billymays#2936 (P2P)

Björke: Björke#2804 (F2P) / Björke#2547(P2P)

Bombrick : BomberisBack#2510

Chap : Chap#2559

Crystalpall : Crystalpall#2709

Doumatjee : Doumatjee#2385 [F2P]/Doumatje#2573 [P2P]

Droodwar : Droodwar#2317

Gottha : Gotha#2945

Haraf : Thrall#14569

Kwizzle : kwizzle#2335

Lankypuss : Lankypuss#1865

LennywBoreanTundra : LentjanPjeci#1543

Lionsfury : DeathLord#2667

Mad World : Braindamage#2322

Mol : Mol#2746

Nodoka : Bloodfang#2321

TheDahl : Dahl#2546

Turokgg : Gnomomatic#2436

Varumvisito : Varumvio#2988


I found these on my word folders in my PC, for the thread on the old TI.
Troll rogue lvl 1- Thunderhorn
Goblin rogue lvl 1 - thunderhorn
Night elf Huntard lvl 1 - Outland
Been level 1:ing for quite the time now but never added anyone from the community :/ Feel free to add :*

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