Oldschool Warrior 29 twink

looks cool, love the shoulder enchant
My 29 was banned for years untill I asked kindly if the GMs could unban me. Got the account back, logged in and thought I'd go lock my xp asap but dinged just a few seconds after the loading screen was gone because I got xp for exploring Orgrimmar. I still keep it as a trophy character though :) Doffe @ Kul Tiras - Community - World of Warcraft

But I did however manage to keep these two at their respective levels: Aríakaz @ The Sha'tar - Community - World of Warcraft and Ariakaz @ The Sha'tar - Community - World of Warcraft so I know where you're coming from :D I'll never level them! 10/10 shoulder enchant btw
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logged in and thought I'd go lock my xp asap but dinged just a few seconds after the loading screen was gone because I got xp for exploring Orgrimmar.

I'm sorry, I know how much that sucks. Same thing happened to my hunter twink.

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