Old 29 Hunter Twink?

One of my friends recently gave me access to his account and while I was checking the account, I found this character:
Ymon @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft

I'm wondering if it used to be a 29, Or just a random leveling character.

Don't think its a lvler but this twink isn't very well geared ... probably bc he just wanted to try out 29s^^

Here is an Armory updated for 5.4: Díscover @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft

If you are curious of what remains of 29's after all these years, it's Alliance side only and Wargames/Arenas. That's about it in a nut shell. Will we see Fight Nights come back up? I don't know the future, all I know we are getting 5v5,6v6,7v7 WSG-Wargames on Sundays and it's enough to keep us going. Arenas are weekly, if you enjoy them. Please have a microphone and Skype for games. If you want help gearing up or anymore information, add me to Battletag @ Luplis#1819. Hope to hear from you soon.
So If my character has all the good items back before grandfathering was a thing, like the big game hunter weapons (vendored nail spitter =/) am i good or should I look into heirloom gear? Armory is misleading me? or atleast I hope it is, showing over 100 of a stat on some items.

using that as an example, because I don't rememeber what all i have. I do rememeber dominating BGs consistantly back in ye old day though, so I'm sure the gear is good, no idea what's changed and what's going to need updating, should take the 10 day trial login and look at my character.
One of my friends recently gave me access to his account and while I was checking the account, I found this character:
Ymon @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft

I'm wondering if it used to be a 29, Or just a random leveling character.

To me it really looks like and old semitwinked 29 hunter. - But no 29 bgs around anymore right?.. so just collecting dust, like my old 19dingedto29 twink xD

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