DE - Die Arguswacht Alliance:
1x Walking Boots - Hot Item! = SOLD.
1x Walking Boots - Hot Item! = SOLD.
DE - Nozdormu Alliance:
1x The Jackhammer (Ready to be transferred to any realm!) - 85,-
Burning Legion Alliance:
1x Blackvenom Blade - 30,-
Kazzak Horde
1x Caverndeep Trudgers - Hot Item! - 50,-
1x Defias Rapier (You'll get this one for free if you buy the boots!)
£ or $?
I am selling grandfathered items that I have collected on different realms.
Down below you will find the list with items that I currently have, I will update this thread every now and then to add more items.
I'm helping you with Neutral Auction House if needed.
I also have lots of items that I don't list here, Send me a PM if you need a specific item.
Only looking for payments via paypal, Or gold on Draenor Horde/Aszune Alliance
Draenor Horde:
1x Sentry Cloak (+3 All Resistances)
DE - Norgannon
1x Firebane Cloak (3+ All Resistances)
DE - Die Silberne Hand Alliance:
1x Nightbane Staff (Epic Transmog)
DE - Antonidas Alliance:
2x Staff of Horrors
(+ Free items if you buy both!)
any price range you can PM ?