Ohpees 29 Warrior Guide.


29 Warrior Guide v1 - By Ohpee

1. Introduction.

2. Gear and Enchants.

3. Weapons and Enchants.

4. Talent Specs.

5. Tips and Tricks.

1. Introduction.

First off let me say that i realise there is already a 29 warrior guide here and im really only posting this because after reading his one i feel there is alot lacking. For the most part the gear is fine but its really lacking in tactics/specs/ect. Hence ive decided to write this out (before i get too involved in warrior at 39 ^_^).

If your going to get serious about a 29 warrior forget about everything youve heard. 29 Warriors like their max level counterparts require good gear, VERY good gear, you wont be sucessfull with fiery weapon here. There is no such thing as a budget warrior twink, they are just complete failure and are probably the reason for the warriors bad rep.

2. Gear and Enchants.


Tusken Helm - Your staple dps helm, a must have.

Frostweaver Crown - For all your stam/fc needs.


River Pride Choker - The better option.

WSG Necklace - The cheaper (but still viable) option.


Polished Spaulders of Valor - Even when 30 stam 15 resil gets nerfed its still the best bar non.

Azure Shoulderguards - Preferably "of the soldier".

Brigands Pauldrons - Horde only but very awesome.

Sparkleshell Mantle - Last resort for you people too lazy to get the above.


Parachute Cloak + 12 agi - Another reason to pickup engineering.

Tigerstrike Mantle + 3 agi - If you really need the stam.

Knights Cloak + 3 agi - Of the bear for str/stam nuts.


Raptor Hunter Tunic + 6 all stats - Leather, but tbc enchantable, nice stats.

Avengers Armor + 4 all stats - Nice, but i prefer raptors personally.

Shining Silver Breastplate + 4 all stats - Easy alternative to Avengers.


War Rider Bracers + 12 str - Alliance only, must have.

Yorgen Bracers + 9 stam - The balanced (best) non tbc alternative.

Pugilist Bracers + 9 stam - The str whore non tbc alternative.

Kimmied Handcuffs + 9 stam - A lesser known about piece.


Tiger Hunter Gloves + 15 hit - Straight up best for dps bar nothing.

Razzerics Racing Grips + 15 hit - Tiger hunters is better for war imo.

Algae Fists + 15 agi - I wont bother listing the other 150 mail options, get tigers.


AB Belt - As is usuall, AB stuff is best in slot.

Stonefist Girldle - Not that great, get AB.


Phalanx Leggings + 40 stam 12 agi - Of the bear/tiger.

Triprunner Dungarees - Get them for post 3.1 when leg patches are nerfed.


AB Boots + 7 stam - There is no alternative to these boots, get them.


Deadmans Hand - Your not a 29 twink without this.

WSG Ring - Toss up between this and Thunderbrow.

Thunderbrow Ring - See above.

3. Weapons and Enchants.

2 Hander-

Corpsemaker + Crusader - Very good alternative to above.

Thermapluggs Left Arm + Crusader - Not bad, but i like big heroics.

Bloodied Arcanite Reaper + Crusader - Downrated due to ilvl effecting rend, see here.

Cobalt Crusher + Crusader - Ehh... If your too lazy to run instances.

1 Hander-

WSG Sword + Crusader - Good for MH duelwielding.

Windstorm Hammer + Crusader - Horde only, got nerfed, still good dps though.

Cresent of Forlorn Spirits + 20 str - Alliance only, best OH.

Bleeding Crescent + 20 str - Horde only, tbc enchantable but low dps.


Marbled Buckler + 18 stam - My favourite.

Crest of Darkshire + 18 stam - Alliance only, not bad too.

Vile Protector + 18 stam - Horde only, non undead, very good.
4. Talent Specs.

Ohpees 2hand Arms 20/0/0 + Glyph of Overpower + Glyph of Mocking Blow.

"The best spec for 29 dps without a doubt. This build works in perfect synergy with glyph of overpower, you will forever be proccing overpower and critting it like 50% of the time. Perfect vs mellee dps and youd be surprised how often mages/priests/warlocks dodge at this level. Dont make the mistake of the masses and spec fury, fury is good for one thing and one thing only, piercing howl. Unless your running premades with your guild 24/7 arms is your bread and butter."

Ohpees Dps Prot 0/7/13 + Glyph of Revenge + Glyph of Mocking Blow.

"An interesting spec i ran for awhile. The aim of this build is to give you the overpowered prot skills while still maintaining some big damage. With a nice slow main hand weapon youll really be seeing some big revenge hits/crits. Do yourself a favour, if you plan on going this route, roll draenei, dont skimp on the stam gear and pickup herbalism... Thank me later!"

Phazztastics Duelwield Arms 15/5/0

"This spec provides constant high dps (I run this spec with around 30% crit). Its good cause of constant rage regen, high crits and the o so popular imp OP. Which if played right should still be critting for 250-500 with 1handers (what I get with at least 1 sader proc)."

5. Tips and Tricks.

Dismantle Tip.

Rogues will spam this on you, it is the sad fact of life in 29s. Most people combat this by getting a 1hander with weapon chain (-50% duration on disarms effects). People think this is the obvious choice, rogue jumps you, switch to 1hand with weapon chain + shield, wait for the dismantle. Problem is, that also dismantles your shield. HOWEVER if you let the rogue dismantle you with a 2hander on, you can switch to 1hander + shield, your weapon will still be disarmed but your shield wont! Not only do you have +700ish armor for the 10 seconds of disarm your also able to use skills such as shieldwall and shieldblock. Please note that if you are dismantled while duelwielding this will also render you unable to equip a shield as it disables your OH slot.

Double Charge.

Though useless in pvp arenas/bgs its important to note that killing a mob (npc) forces you out of combat, thus allowing you to charge again. If your like me and enjoy duels/open pvp, even at a twink level then this is invaluable. Taunt a mob, drop it and charge till your hearts content!

...To Be Continued.
Ohpee said:
4. Talent Specs.

Dps Arms 20/0/0 + Glyph of Overpower + Glyph of Mocking Blow.

The best spec for 29 dps without a doubt. This build works in perfect synergy with glyph of overpower, you will forever be proccing overpower and critting it like 50% of the time. Perfect vs mellee dps and youd be surprised how often mages/priests/warlocks dodge at this level. Dont make the mistake of the masses and spec fury, fury is good for one thing and one thing only, piercing howl. Unless your running premades with your guild 24/7 arms is your bread and butter.

Dps Prot 0/7/13 + Glyph of Revenge + Glyph of Mocking Blow.

An interesting spec i ran for awhile. The aim of this build is to give you the overpowered prot skills while still maintaining some big damage. With a nice slow main hand weapon youll really be seeing some big revenge hits/crits. Do yourself a favour, if you plan on going this route, roll draenei, dont skimp on the stam gear and pickup herbalism... Thank me later!

...To Be Continued.

This is almost spot on shit. The only argument I have is with your spec's and glyphs for both specs.

Glyph of Mocking Blow is bad unless your looking for full dps and not legit viability. 25% on an ability you use once a minute compaired to 2 abilities you use multiple times a fight. The best over all Glyphs are Charge / Hamstring hands down (for arms / DW at least and really pisses off those pesky hunters).

Having Glyph of Overpower and not going 5/5 deflection is kicking yourself in the butt. Not to mention the extra midigation and faster hit timers that parry provides.

Your arms spec is pretty solid sides the parry and full TM. There is no point in having full TM. You retain 10 rage when you switch stances regardless and there are no crucial abilities that cost over 15 rage in defensive stance. So full TM is pointless and better spent in parry. 1/3 TM is enough for insta disarms or any other ability you might use.

Solid DW specs are 15/5/0


This spec provides constant high dps (I run this spec with around 30% crit). Its good cause of constant rage regen, high crits and the o so popular imp OP. Which if played right should still be critting for 250-500 with 1handers (what I get with at least 1 sader proc).

DW spec 0/20/0


This spec provides high AP to make up for the lack of big two handers. Unless your stacking 3k hp DW furry there is hardly any point into specing into blood craze. And I choose imp demo/armed over wrath because there is no flurry and attack speeds stay slow (loltrolls) and rage regen has been normalized pertaining to attack speed of weapons (So without flurry it really doesn't provide much of a rage gen and the AP you get from armed to the teeth makes up for it ( HARDER YOU HIT MORE RAGE YOU GET)).

For any DW situation I suggest duel crusader or sader mongoose if your pro enough to have windstorm or allaince.

Lets not forget. BAR is not the best 2h for warriors hands down atm (unless your furry). If you see an arms warrior using BAR give them a good wack and tell them their rends should be ticking 100+ not 50. The Ilvl of Bar is effecting how hard rend ticks (Lol remember enti's?????). Corspemaker rends tick for 100+ while BAR's will tick for 40-50 which is less than a 1hander.


If your going to get serious about a 29 warrior forget about everything youve heard. 29 Warriors like their max level counterparts require good gear, VERY good gear, you wont be sucessfull with fiery weapon here. There is no such thing as a budget warrior twink, they are just complete failure and are probably the reason for the warriors bad rep.

Ohpee, if you want your guide to make it into the offical section, edit the part about the other guide : /.

I personally don't care if we have 100 warrior guides, as long as they are accurate, useful, insightful, and have no bashing of any kind ^.^
Lets not forget. BAR is not the best 2h for warriors hands down atm (unless your furry). If you see an arms warrior using BAR give them a good wack and tell them their rends should be ticking 100+ not 50. The Ilvl of Bar is effecting how hard rend ticks (Lol remember enti's?????). Corspemaker rends tick for 100+ while BAR's will tick for 40-50 which is less than a 1hander.

I will add in your dw arms spec thanks. Im going to leave out the fury one simply because i dont believe fury is viable option at 29, something im trying to avoid with this guide.

I must admit i havent played with BAR yet but is there anywhere i can get this confirmed? Ive played vs many BAR warriors and while i dont see them having a overly huge advantage vs my corpsemaker i dont see them lacking either... Id like to think id have noticed their rends ticking for 60-70 odd damage less than mine :/.

marbled buckler is NOT alliance only, same with stonefist girdle

Nice find, fixed and thanks!
wilburry4 said:
Lets not forget. BAR is not the best 2h for warriors hands down atm (unless your furry). If you see an arms warrior using BAR give them a good wack and tell them their rends should be ticking 100+ not 50. The Ilvl of Bar is effecting how hard rend ticks (Lol remember enti's?????). Corspemaker rends tick for 100+ while BAR's will tick for 40-50 which is less than a 1hander.

From the patch notes:

New! Rend: Now does correct damage with heirloom weapons. In addition, low ranks of this ability will no longer incorrectly gain a damage bonus against targets above 75% health.


(Scroll all the way to the bottom under warrior bug fixes)

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