

Grats many of your guildies or raid/team have like 3 or 4 legendaries already (that aren't total shit) and you have just one?

Yeah w00t and all but this RNG?...fck Blizz.
Grats many of your guildies or raid/team have like 3 or 4 legendaries already (that aren't total shit) and you have just one?

Yeah w00t and all but this RNG?...fck Blizz.
yeah i know, im just glad i finally got one and it isnt garbage either. It's boosted up my HPS from 300k raid wide healing to 330k no cds.
Its just an item lolz i geared my druid from vattlegrounds and got my first legendary 5 days ago from rbg
i dont have it on any of my 110's and i have 3, LOL all of them are 891+ and have like 2 months on my newest one, still havent even touched that research stuff.
wtf i have 6 110's all with maxed out research and all done all suramar questline etc, what are u guys casuals or smth ?
wtf i have 6 110's all with maxed out research and all done all suramar questline etc, what are u guys casuals or smth ?
as soon as i hit 110, i just enter the arena and queue. i might be hitting 110 on my rogue if i can get myself to actually level it. He only level 101.

But ya "PVE" wise i have like 3 raid achievements this whole xpac and they were all from the same run lol.
speaking of leveling (i know this is off topic), does anyone know a very fast way of leveling from 101 to 110? i usually spend like 1-3 hours per level. 1 hour was my fastest and i did that only one time, going 109 to 110 on hunter.

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