Oh Boy, Check out 6.2 Notes

nerf mages too i find that fire blast deals waaaay too much damage only a bm monk survived my fire blast cuz he had guard on or else he would be taking 140 damage,and blink too they should reduce blink range to 5 yards and applies a slow debuff to the user

Nope, the blink range should be 2 yards. Its 2 much for a feral or warrior. Like srsly blizzard, do something. Forstbolt should increase the targets movement speed my 20% instead of slowing it. Darn it blizz, dafuqq you doin'!?
"During the Battlegrounds Bonus Event, you’ll earn triple Honor points from random Battlegrounds. Completing the event quest by winning a few random Battlegrounds awards 500 Conquest Points, which do not count toward the weekly Conquest cap."

we can get conquest points now, I hope

"You’ll earn triple Honor points from random Arena Skirmish matches during this event. A quest to win several random Arena Skirmish matches will award 500 Conquest Points, which do not count toward the weekly Conquest cap."

as well as here

"During the Battlegrounds Bonus Event, you’ll earn triple Honor points from random Battlegrounds. Completing the event quest by winning a few random Battlegrounds awards 500 Conquest Points, which do not count toward the weekly Conquest cap."

we can get conquest points now, I hope

"You’ll earn triple Honor points from random Arena Skirmish matches during this event. A quest to win several random Arena Skirmish matches will award 500 Conquest Points, which do not count toward the weekly Conquest cap."

as well as here


Is there anything we can get with conquest points for level 20s?
"During the Battlegrounds Bonus Event, you’ll earn triple Honor points from random Battlegrounds. Completing the event quest by winning a few random Battlegrounds awards 500 Conquest Points, which do not count toward the weekly Conquest cap."

we can get conquest points now, I hope

"You’ll earn triple Honor points from random Arena Skirmish matches during this event. A quest to win several random Arena Skirmish matches will award 500 Conquest Points, which do not count toward the weekly Conquest cap."

as well as here


They will likely level lock them as they also have raids / dungs in there so they will think about it. Also what use are they?
"During the Battlegrounds Bonus Event, you’ll earn triple Honor points from random Battlegrounds. Completing the event quest by winning a few random Battlegrounds awards 500 Conquest Points, which do not count toward the weekly Conquest cap."

we can get conquest points now, I hope

"You’ll earn triple Honor points from random Arena Skirmish matches during this event. A quest to win several random Arena Skirmish matches will award 500 Conquest Points, which do not count toward the weekly Conquest cap."

as well as here


Sure we can!
Just as we get bonus satchels at the end of a BG.
As soon as you qualify for CP, your character will receive them.
Have a nice day.


BTW. By and large, the majority of people that play WoW are playing at lvl 100, not lvl 20. Blizzard is not going to make notes for a minuscule portion of the player base unless it is a specific change that targets leveling players.
:D maybe rated arenas and bgs for low level? Been close to five years since I did a rated bg and failed horribly.

I would hope most people would have this by now.

so why did you say that "Might be able to get Primal Tabard. That would require going to Dreanor. " if you knew it requires rating and we can't get that?

People with the required rating and CP will be able to get it.

I do not think you realize the theme throughout all of my posts. Level 20's will not have access to CP. I do not know what thinks that this patch will be any different than others.

nevermind why would i even bother lol

If you had bothered to read post #122 or even the post you quoted me on that you so brilliantly deleted, you would seen what we are speaking about.
And certainly "level 20's" accounts can obtain CP(just not the 20s themselves), that achievement and that tabard. One of my accounts has all three. Not all level 20's are Starter accounts. There exists three current forms of level 20's. The forum has evolved from a Starters only section a while back. If you can not accept that, I am unable to help you. There is plenty of room for everyone. If you do not like what we are discussing then do not read it.
Good day!

If you had bothered to read post #122 or even the post you quoted me on that you so brilliantly deleted, you would seen what we are speaking about.
And certainly "level 20's" accounts can obtain CP(just not the 20s themselves), that achievement and that tabard. One of my accounts has all three. Not all level 20's are Starter accounts. There exists three current forms of level 20's. The forum has evolved from a Starters only section a while back. If you can not accept that, I am unable to help you. There is plenty of room for everyone. If you do not like what we are discussing then do not read it.
Good day!


Like I said, I'm not gonna bother with this. The discussion doesn't concern level 20 twinks, so I'm not interested in it.
There aren't any on-use dps trinkets available at level 20, so this also has no effect on level 20 twinking.


Sure there are, BM trink is an "on use" trink.
Once again, I stated "possible" and "need to check".
We must wait and see. The PvP trinkets have changed on us at least twice recently. You have to have faith, instead of a sh$tty additude.
At the worst nothing changes.
Happy Friday!


BTW you flatter me by copying signature /blush
Sure there are, BM trink is an "on use" trink.
Once again, I stated "possible" and "need to check".
We must wait and see. The PvP trinkets have changed on us at least twice recently. You have to have faith, instead of a sh$tty additude.
At the worst nothing changes.
Happy Friday!


BTW you flatter me by copying signature /blush

He said DPS

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